Team MMM is proud to announce Martigen's Monster Mod Version 3.7 Beta 3 Public Release.
Plus: MMM for Shivering Isles and MMM Knights.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the full version and it requires a clean install. It's necessary to remove everything from any previous install of MMM - meshes, sounds, textures, etc. Also, if using OOO/FCOM a reinstall of them is required as this version of MMM fixes many meshes and textures compatibility issues that were shared between them. No ifs or buts about it.
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3PR3
NOTE: Requires two downloads. The BSA contains the resources and the ESPs/ESMs are packaged in a separate download. The MMM OMOD installer is recommended for easier install but not required.
Install order for MMM 3.7b3 BSA
NOTE: Since all resources are stored in a bsa now, install order is important in order to avoid compatibility issues. In particular, MMM still shares some of same resources from the UOP and Cobl.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (if applicable)
DLC's + Patches (if applicable)
Francesco's Creatures-Items 4.5 (Required for MMMforFrans)
OOO version 1.33 full patched to OOO 1.34 beta5 (Required for MMMforOOO)
Oblivion WarCry patched to 1.085b, patched to OblivionWarCry 1.09 (optional)
Bob's Armory 1.1 (optional)
Armamentarium and Artifacts (optional)
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3 (required), Diverse WaterLife Update 3.7b3pF (optional, if applicable)
Cobl (optional)
MMM 3.7b3 Cobl Update (optional, if applicable)
Cobl Races (optional)
FCOM 9.9 + supported add-ons (add-ons optional)
Body Replacement mods (Roberts, Exnem. EVE etc) (optional)
Texture replacers (optional)
Quick Install Guide for MMM 3.7b3
NOTE: The MMM.bsa must be renamed appropriately depending on which mods that are used. See below for details.
1. Extract MMM.bsa to your Oblivion/Data directory
2. Select Mart's Monster Mod.esm [If using OOO, also select Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm]
3. Select ONE of the following:
Mart's Monster Mod.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa
[For FCOM users:] FCOM_Convergence.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to FCOM_Convergence_Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
4. Read about the range of optional plugins in the section of the MMM Readme
5. Select your choice of plugins and extract them to your Data directory
6. Select your choices of files from above and rebuild the Bashed Patch if using it
7. Play!
MMM 37b3PR3 Release Notes
NOTE: Changes since the last version are underlined.
New features
Major fixes
General fixes for all versions
Creatures and Item additions
Merged mods
MMMforFran Fixes
This is an Unofficial MMMforOOO update by Corepc. dev_akm has not approved or checked over all the changes. So use at your own risk. OOO 1.34 Beta 5 is required. Most of the changes were made to integrate 3.7 Features; the new Undead additions, Wild Horses, Durzogs, Lesser Hill Giants, Bat fixes and much more. UOP fixes, too many to list, as it was swapped back and forth between dev_akm and me.
Spawn Rate Plugins
All Spawn Rate Plugins checked or revamped for 3.7b3. To include changes for Diverse Wisps, Durzogs, Wild Horses etc.
The Moderate and Increased Spawn Rates plugins now work differently - they are more balanced with MMM default Spawn Rate itself, as using these plugins would lead to you becoming too wealthy in the long run. I adjusted the count on most of the lists to reflect default spawn rate, with addition of new entries as well that cover the increased counts.You will still have large groups using these plugins - just not as much anymore.
Moderate: 1-2-3-4
Increased: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Reduced: Adjusted nearly all counts on LeveledLists to be 1-2-3 now
Reduced Reduced: All counts 1-2-1 now, no more spawning in 3
Reduced Vanilla: 1-1-2
No XXX plugins - Updated and checked all No XXX plugins. No Beholdens use new method for Boss Types. Updated No Wyvern to not spawn Beholden, instead will spawn Clannfear. Replaced Golden Saint that was spawing at lvl 1 with Clannfear runt. Checked all others and verified that they work properly when used together and across MMM configs.
Hunting and Crafting - Now includes foxes.esp itself. This means that you no longer have to craft items to get H&C stuff.You can visit the shack outside of Bruma and purchase your stuff if you like. Armor has been adjusted to be slighty better than vanilla for some types.
Gems and Gems Dust - Updated some Gem LeveledLists for compatibility, cleaned with TES4Edit as well.
City Defences - Plugins updated to last version, new meshes for some wall segments in Anvil and Skingrad that help stop the archers from falling as much. All fixes from B1 version kept as well. Cleaned with TES4Edit.
MMM Knights - Updated MMMforOOO version, added NDPredatorFaction so that plugin would work better with both natural Creatures from both OOO and MMM.
MMM Safer Quest Locations - Renamed from MMM Vindasel. Includes Vindasel and GreyLand changes. Disables and moves vanilla spawnpoints, making these locations to follow more how the game intended them to be. More locations to be added later.
MMM More Wilderness Life - Updated. Removed a few spawn points, Skingrad in particular.
Many more fixes that I may have forgotten to list.
End of 3.7b3PR Release.
=Older Downloads= Not required for 3.7b3PR Listed above
Please Make Sure that you have MMM 3.5.5b5 (OMOD or Full Package) Installed, Before Installing 3.7 Upgrade's or 3.6 Version
New - See Post 2..
3.7b1 Fixes
* First, I spent several days checking over everything and made alot of fixes some that may not be listed. But all of it was MMM related and ALOT OF IT WAS CHECKING Compatibility with MMM itself, MMMForFrans, MMMforOOO, FCOM, so there could be better intergration in some areas for some..
* Major Change - Diverse Creatures Skins has been merged into MMM.esm so you no longer need this remove it from your list, and rebuild bashed patch..this was done to allow MMM Knight of Nine to work better and not conflict without wrye bash - now all creature will use different model most of the time, so low end users may see a small performance hit..if so use lower spawn rate reducer if you need or turn off can still keep it activated but just load before MMM for Knights patches..
* The MMM Knight of Nine to be fully compatible, which details about are listed below..
* MMM Frans - fixed goblin that where missing green blood, and fixed leveled quest issue of incorrect combat package setting..weird one that ones was formid error itself..
* Fixed various issue of new creature's not showing up correctly in spawn rate you will need to wait x amount of days once again for changes to take effect..Mostly making sure that all new addition's where being added correctly to leveledlist for Frans,OOO,FCOM..Still suggesting to use Wrye Bash with these mods..
* Additionial Enemy Variants updated once more to include some missing wildhounds and reaver hounds..
* All these plugin's havbe been update to work with MMMforSi
No Spider, No Wyvern, No Slimes, etc..
* GhostlyAppartionFix merged
* New Vindasel Plugin - instead of deleting the leveledlist, I moved them below ground out of site and disabled them, and used same leveledlist that I used before..(no more crash on exit has this could have caused that)
New Creatures for 3.7b1
Durzog by Mr.Siika
Durzog from Morrowind Lore, these creatures are fierce and reptilian like, in Tribunal they where found alongside goblin's. And has of recently they have start reappearing in Cryodiil, out in Wild or where goblins can be found..
the Durzog family (textures by Corepc and Jdfan ) (normal by Jdfan)
Durzog are added to challenge leveledlist which are randmon wilderness encounter and goblin leveledlist ..But not to Clan Goblin which are handplaced ..we will work on a solution for adding Durzog to Clan Goblin in the future.
3.6beta4 List of Fixes
New Creatures Added merged from Beta3 Addon's..You no longer these esp (boar addon, spider addon, fatbelly, wildhounds, etc)..All merged into Beta4..
New Spider's and Tarantula's by Malo,Elveon, Alienslof, Mikal33
14 in all - these are much faster and more deadly than their normal MMM counterparts that you used to fightning, beware some can be hard to see in the grass..(they only move one direction foward also, so they will circle you if they have too)
AlienSlof Dogs aka WildHounds in MMM - They can either be found helping you out in battle against wolves, lions, etc, so they are friendly, or they can be found following Ranger's.
FatBellyMinotaur Model and Textures by Corepc -
MrSikka Farm Animals, Textures by Corepc
New Boars by Corepc
New Ancient Transparent Golem by Conan Lon
New Imp Textures
New Black Widow Texture
Idle Animation Fixes
I finally got around and Added Idle Animation Procedure to All Creatures that where missing this information this include - They now have a random % chance of performing this various activities..etc..We have been missing this for a very long time now..Would like report's if you get a chance to see this stuff happen..
balrog - slack,stamp,scratch,drool
fiends - look and clench fist
Skeep - scratch and sniff
uberhulk - scan,roar,dig
Firedemon - scan, land
fleshGolem - snif, cowl
Hillgiant - sniff, cowl
LichKing - look
SwampStalker - gaze praise
ThornElemental - clench and look
There where no files for idles animations for uberlarva, slimes, beholders,swarm, so they do not have any special animation's.Wyverns did not attach idle animation since they where for mount's..
Farm Animals - well they have sleep idle animation (Thanks to Sarkandar,MrSiika of NpcwithJobs Team for making them) so they will sleep on their side (cows,pigs,calf,ox,etc) or perched (rooster,hen,chicken), etc..random once again..
Need feedback about these so that I can adjust the random%chance of it happening or fix any bugs has needed..
Fixes/Tweaks to Creatures
Reaver Hound(BloodHound) has correct faction assigned to it now
Hill Giant - I lowered their Int so that they would No longer enter through doors, the script still could change this so, for now this is just a test to see how they will react to it. and I changed the variable in cshillgiant script so that they would not scale in size larger than x amount in size..Hoping this fixes the problem with items attaching to right hand side of body on their feet..
Tweak of City Defences guard script's
1) Redone all Guard Placement..There is now only One Guard Per Segement if on very long wall run..I cut the path in half so they would not cross the path..this fixes them running into each other and causes them to fall off in most cases..
2) I have redone all the hand placed archer's, with those that come from leveledlist to improve performance
3) Having them in Leveledlist fixes problem of them in case they fall off and do not die, they will now die after x amount of days and respawn back on the walls (hopefully)
4) Fixed any remaining Pathgrid that needed to be turned from Red to Blue so that AI would follow them instead of falling off Wall (Chorrol) all other Towns checked and Pathgrid are blue has needed
5) Tweaked Aipackage so that they would not wander so far away from their path above..
6) There still may be cases of them falling of the wall..Has this is issue with how the game load objects, this is hard to fix I am trying to get a timer script to work that disable them until everything is rendered then they are enabled
Spawn Rate Plugins and No Whatever Plugins
Checked all spawn rate plugin's and adjusted has needed for new addition's of creatures from above. So Okay Here
Checked No Spider's plugin that working correctly with and without bash (load has last no whatever plugin correctly and merged)
Checked all other no whatever to make sure work correctly under MMM. FCOM will need own patch?
Hunting and Crafting Update - would MMM update would not be complete without a update once again..This time..
We decided to make both ayelid coins and plantinum coins avialable in the same game..We have balanced out the chances also of finding them..
End of 3.6beta4 Fixes
3.6beta3 list of Fixes
or - check out the super long readme here..
What MMM 3.6Beta 3 Fixes
New Creatures in MMM3.6
We have new creatures thanks to the awesome creativity and kindness of xilverbulet! For added help in defeating some of
the new creatures I suggest taking a look at xilverbulets - These awesome creatures are exactly what the name implies; a buzzing, flying swarm of insects. They swarm, they sting, but they are too small to loot. - An elusive fellow, quick on his feet and able to cast invisibility to escape predators. He is naturally skittish and passive, but will put up a fight if need be before casting invisibility and running off. He is unique; a bipedal ram! - The offspring of the formidable Uberhulk and Uberhulk Queen. Their habitat of choice is water and can be found in and amongst crabs and water rats. Although not extremely aggressive they have a bit of a bite. - This creature is unique; he has mandibles/pincers and the ability to paralyze you. Although he looks to be a lumbering oaf, he is remarkably fast on his feet and can send his paralyzing spell in advance to stop you in your tracks. Can you say stealth? New ingredient: Uberhulk Pincers. - She is a bigger, more powerful Uberhulk. She wears her crown proudly and makes the Uberhulk look like child's play. Regardless of her size, she is quick on her feet and can sweep you off yours.
New ingredients: Uberhulk Pincers and Uber Jelly. - Forged from the depths of Oblivion, these Daedra bring a whole new concept to the battle in and around the Oblivion Planes. New ingredient: Superior Horn. New Weapon: Lesser Balrog Sword. - Much worse than his lesser cousin, this Daedra calls forth the very magma of Oblivion to aid him in battle. New ingredient: Superior Horn. New Weapon: Flaming Balrog Sword. Hint: Don't fight fire with fire. - Thralls of the Balrog, don't let them steal all of your attention, but don't turn your back on them either.
Optional plugins
New additions and changes to existing plugins.
* No Balrogs.esp - Removes Balrogs and their Thralls. [New in Beta2]
* No Skeep.esp - Removes Skeeps. [New in Beta2]
* No Uberhulk - Removes Uberhulk Larva, Uberhulks and Uberhulk Queens. [New in Beta2]
* No Slimes.esp - Now only removes the slimes. [New]
* No Fiends.esp - Removes only the fiends. [New]
* MMM - Less Reavers.esp - Reduces the Reaver spawn counts. [New]
* MMM for OOO - LessReaversInGates.esp - Reduces the Reaver spawn counts in Gate realms only. Can be used with MMM - Less Reavers.esp to get a greater overall reduction in their spawn rate. [New]
* MMM for OOO - NoReaversInGates.esp - Blocks the Reaver spawn in Gate realms only, but leaves them intact elsewhere. Can be used with MMM - Less Reavers.esp. [New]
* Hunting & Crafting.esp - Added chance to find sheep wool in clutter.
Fixes in MMM3.6
* Tones down the Berserker Ogre color some people experienced. (Thank you showler.)
* Reduces the loudness of the Wyvern on cell load. (Thank you showler.)
* Adds an icon for the Imperial Chainmail Cuirass worn by the Road Watchpeople.
* Switched the Reaver weapon icons that were inadvertently swapped.
* Added factions to the Juicy Imp (non-used creature) for compatibility with Midas Magic Creature Spell.
* Fixes a minor mishap with Werewolf mesh & textures.
MMM for Frans
* Fixed the Necromancer HighElf 2 skeleton from skeletonbeast.nif to skeleton.nif.
* Fixed the Necromancer MaleBreton4 from Argonian to Breton.
* Latest fixes and improvements by dev_akm.
Changes in MMM3.6Beta 2
* Three new .esps to remove Balrogs, Skeeps and Uberhulks from the game.
* New list placements for the Uberhulks.
* Balance fixes for Kvatch.
* Adjusted factions for bandits, marauders, necromancers, and conjurers to dislike the player even more than before. This should help to avoid problems where a bandit charges off to fight a mudcrab instead of the player.
* Latest fixes, adjustments and improvements by dev_akm.
Thanks to Lilith for Taking over the Reins while I was out.
Installation notes:
If you have previously installed the Wyvern sound fix you'll need to disable the .esp prior to installing the 3.7 Beta
You must have a complete install of MMM 3.5.5.b5 to use MMM3.7 upgrade beta.
=== HOW TO INSTALL MMM 3.7Beta Upgrade===
MMM 3.7Beta Upgrade (requires MMM Version 3.5.5b5 already installed)
1) Disable and remove 3.5.5b4 esm / esp from 3.5.5b5, as well as all optional plugins, but do not remove any of the resource files (meshes, textures, etc.).
2) Install MMM 3.7Beta and overwrite all ESM/ESP and optional files (if you have any) with the new ones. You MUST have the official patch 1.2.0416 or SI Patch 1.2.0416 for MMMforSI installed to use MMM 3.7.x
3) In-game, rest inside somewhere without any NPCs for 4-14 days* to ensure your cells reset allowing new creatures and NPCs to spawn. You MUST do this if you are upgrading an existing save game. You do NOT have to do this if you are starting a brand new game.
* Resting/waiting length depends on what game respawn time you are using. Default is 3 days, but some mods such as OOO or Frans can extend this to two weeks or more.
=== LOAD ORDER ===
Load Order Guide by Corepc
As MMM is designed to work both alone and with other mods like OOO and Francesco's, it's important that MMM is loaded after these to take effect. If you are using MMM with Francesco's or OOO, this would be a good load order. Note that esm "master files" always load first regardless.
MMM and Francesco's:
Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Francesco's optional plugins
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp
MMM and OOO:
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp
Mart's Monster Mod's optional plugins
What are the different versions?
Mart's Monster Mod - Use with vanilla, Adventurers and pretty much everything else!
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran - A tailored version for Francesco's that allows stronger enemies and stronger bosses and more to appear in MMM. Note that MMM is fully updated for the latest Fran's with the exception of the customizable loot, which is slated for 2.1. For now MMM NPCs default to the hardcoe balance model, but customizable loot works everywhere else in the game world: Fran's NPCs, chests, house loot, leveled quests and more.
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - This release integrates the OOO loot for MMM NPCs, removes MMM guards so OOO guards take priority and cross-pollinates MMM and OOO factions so similar creatures behave correctly (i.e OOO wolves and MMM wolves are in the same faction).
NOTE: MMM adds increased spawns to the game. It's recommended to use a slower levelling mod as your combat skills may get more of a workout. Alternatively, take advantage of the new factions, and lead one enemy to another and let them fight it out!
General Load Order for MMM Plugins
NOTE: FCOM users should follow the FCOM load order as it is very different because of how it works.
Generally speaking, you should use the following load order:
1. Any MMM plugin that adds things, like creature addon, bat addon, more reavers, etc., needs to load before spawn rate plugins so that the leveled list that is used by spawn rate plugins gets updated correctly with these new changes.
2. Plugins like Looting, Diverse Creatures, Hunting and Crafting, Gems and Gems Dust, Diverse Imperial Armor etc. need to load after any hotfixes, creature addons, more Reavers etc. so that these changes take effect.
3. Any MMM plugin that removes things like creatures (No Rats, Less Rats, No Spiders etc.) should be loaded before spawn rate plugins so that those plugins take affect and change the spawn rate leveled list appropriately.
NOTE: Some of these files are not included in the latest version; they are linked below.
Mart's Monster Mod.esp [or MMM for Fran or OOO]
[MMM plugins that fix or add new things.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Durzog Addon.esp
[MMM plugins that change creatures, modify things, or scripts.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creature Skins.esp [Older Version only 3.6 and below. Merged in 3.7.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Durability & Damage.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp
[Any MMM plugins that remove creatures or change leveled list for things like rats, bone loot, or make special changes. If it says "No" or "Less", it should load before the spawn rate plugins, so that whatever is being lessened or removed is properly changed on, or removed from, the leveled lists.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Less Rats.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Roads.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Carrion Rats.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Blood.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Giants.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Spiders.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Slimes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Werewolves.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Lanterns.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Adventurers.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Wyvern.esp
[Spawn Rate Plugins.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates Reduced Reduced.esp [or Reduced, Moderate, Increased.]
[Miscellaneous: I always load these last.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp - Hand Placed Location UL compatible
Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Formerly Bats addon]
Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp [This only adds new spawn points to the world which use leveled lists from the spawn rate plugin plus any mods that modify spawn lists.]
Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates
Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions MMM+Fran.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO+FCOM.esp [These two make factions more friendly; they can really be anywhere in the load order.]
General notes
Note: Generally, MMM should always be loaded last in your chain. The main exception is Mighty Magick - this should be loaded after MMM.
Other notes:
* If you use AxeBane Hunters 2.0 or Hunters 2.5, de-select it (included in MMM)
* If you use Creature Continuum, de-select it (included in MMM)
* If you use OOO, you do not need the Diverse Imperial Armor it is already included.
* If you use Beautiful People or any other mod based on Elaborate Eyes, don't use the Races Resized optional plugin.
* If you use onboard sound, nearby creatures may cause stuttering. Use the newest Quiet Feet mod, which is compatible with MMM, OOO and others.
What Do the Different Plugins Do?
City Defences - All cities except the IC now have legion archers patrolling the battlements of each city. Based on the Wall Archers concept by gumballthechewy, this has been built from the ground up with MMM using less guards so as not to impact performance, added external cell as well internal cell guards, added pathing points for patrols along the battlements, and gave them special torches and equipment to enhance their effect.
Damage & Durability - Increases weapon damage by 50%, weapon skill based damage by 50%, and armor and weapon durability by 100% to help fights go faster and armor last longer with the default increase in spawns. [Do not use with OOO as it already contains this tweak.]
Diverse Imperial Armors - The much-improved Imperial City Guard armors by yakueb. [Do not use with OOO as it already contains this.]
Gems & Gem Dust - Combines Gem Dust, Tamriel's Glittering Geology and Bone Grind into MMM's crafting system. The Gem Dust scripts have been scaled and applied against the gems in Tamriel's Glittering Geology, which you will also now find appearing on some creatures and in gem-based loot level lists. Now updated by Bendiwolf to include new gem dusts for the new gems.
Friendlier Factions for MMM+Fran - Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this one for standalone MMM or MMM and Francescos.
Friendlier Factions for OOO+FCOM - Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this one for MMM and OOO or MMM and FCOM.
Francesco's levelled quests - Francesco's levelled quests plugin updated for MMM. Requires Francesco's. NOTE: See the 'Fran's Leveled Quest Update' section below for how to use this.
Hunting & Crafting - Enables a huge crafting system within MMM to create weapons and armor from the natural resources in the MMM world. See the MMM 3.0 summary and the Crafting section for more on what items you can create.
Less Bone Loot - Another request in the official thread, reduced generic bone loot on creatures for those who don't use bones for crafting.
Less Rats - Decreases chances of rats by 33% and lower the count of them. NOTE: Do not use with Spawn Rates - Reduced Reduced.
Looting NPCs & Creatures - NPCs, Goblins and Ogres will loot the bodies of their fallen prey. The exception are Guards, since you don't want them taking your loot (unless you don't mind killing them for it). Looting is about more than just NPCs taking each other's gear - it breathes much more life into the world.
More Wilderness Life - Another community plugin developed by Dae, More Wilderness Life adds hundreds of new spawn points across Tamriel to help fill the bare, empty areas Bethesda left in the game. This isn't about simply meeting more creatures - the advanced behavioral AI and inter-faction relationships introduced by MMM results in a thriving, living world around you as you travel (and where you're not always the center of attention), completely changing your experience of Tamriel. Highly recommended!
More Wilderness Life No Gates - Removes all the spawns points that where added to Oblivion gates. It's a more reduced version of MWL for people who were having issues.
No - Removes the monster in the file name from MMM's lists, for those who don't like fighting them.
No Blood - Prevents corpses from being extra-bloody.
No Bone Loot - Removes all Bone loot, for people who don't want to use the crafting plugin.
No Carrion Rats - Removes Carrion Rats spawning at corpses after a few hours. Alternatively, you can load this plugin in the Construction Set and alter the percentage chance. Just look for the global variable 'AMMRatPercent'.
No Lanterns - Removes lanterns from the game.
No Undead Rise - Prevents undead from rising after they are killed.
Resized Races - Extended diversity in race sizes. Females being generally shorter, Nords and Orcs bulkier.
Dungeons of MMM - Contains the Bat Cave showing off a swarm of Bats. Once you get passed them there is special suprise...a 5 level dungeon designed by Team MMM...
Additional Enemy Variants - Add new types of Barbarians, Berserkers, BloodMoon Warriors etc. into the Game
Extra Wounding - Extends MMM 3.5.3 combat/wounding/fatique system to NPCs and Creatures that are not modified by MMM. It affects vanilla NPCs and Creatures as well as those added by other mods.
Safer Question Location's aka formely Vindasel - Removes all MMM spawn points from this location, making the quest location more lore like as the game intended.
Zombie for Body Meshes - Use this if you have problem with zombie not showing up correctly with body mods installed.
*New* Farm Animals - Adds Farm Animals to various Locations around the world, all UL compatible locations.You will not see Farm Animals without this plugin activated until they are merged in for Final MMM 3.7.
*New* MMMforShiveringIsles - See below.
Spawn Rate Plugins Explained
This is how the Spawn Rate Plugins work. The numbers show the amount of spawn points per cell The count in leveledlist listed in spawn rate plugin = amount you will encounter.
This is basic formula for spawn rate plugins and what it follows, amount of spawn points per cell X count in leveledlist in spawn rate plugin once more.
Spawn Rate Reduced - Reduced spawn rates for lower-end machines, stealthy characters, or those who prefer less action but want the other features MMM offers.
Spawn Rate Reduced Reduced - As above, but further reduced. Make MMM spawns more vanilla like 1-2 encounters per spawn point.
Spawn Rate Moderate Increased - Slightly higher rates than MMM default would be, but not as much increased as the Increased spawn rate plugin below.
Spawn Rate Increased - The oppposite of RSR, this plugin adds a crazy amount of spawns to hardcoe trigger happy players.
Recommended plugins
It's highly recommended to play with the following plugins for the full MMM experience:
- Damage & Durability
- Diverse Creature Skins
- Gems & Gem Dust
- Looting NPCs & Creatures
- More Wilderness Life
Don't forget that if you're finding the going tough, especially if you're loading More Wilderness Life, you can also try:
- Friendlier Factions
- Reduced Spawn Rates
=== Francesco and MMM Install ===
From Francesco's:
Option Group 1 - Quest and Arena Only. MMM already contains leveled guards.
Option Group 2 - You can use all these.
Option Group 3 - None of these as they are already in MMM. For stronger enemies and bosses it's necessary to use the Bashed Patch to make it work.
Option Group 4 - Only Vendor Tweaks. Everything else already in MMMforFrans.
New Third Party Items - New Item Addon Only.
All Creatures as well as AI behavior and Scripts are already in MMMforFrans.
From MMM:
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran, Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests and whatever else you want to use from MMM plugin wise.
Spawn Rate Reduced or Reduced Reduced is recommended for first timer users of MMM.
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran is set to Fran's hardcoe mode by default and most of Fran's customizible features do work.
Fran's Leveled Quests Update
If you use Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp, ensure you load the plugin after both Fran's and MMM files.
You MUST ensure you have Francescos optional leveled quests.esp installed from Fran's, either standalone or merged into the Francescos optional files.esp from the install, or loading the Mart Monster Mod - Frans leveled quests.esp will not work.
=== Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and MMM Install ===
Download and install OOO 1.33 and OOO 1.34 Beta 5.
Make sure that Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm is loading before Mart's Monster Mod.esm and Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm (in 3.5.4 and above) and also that Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp is loading before Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp. Do not use Diverse Skins, Diverse Imperial Armor or Gems and Gems Dust.
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp
MMM plugins
Plus: MMM for Shivering Isles and MMM Knights.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the full version and it requires a clean install. It's necessary to remove everything from any previous install of MMM - meshes, sounds, textures, etc. Also, if using OOO/FCOM a reinstall of them is required as this version of MMM fixes many meshes and textures compatibility issues that were shared between them. No ifs or buts about it.
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3PR3
NOTE: Requires two downloads. The BSA contains the resources and the ESPs/ESMs are packaged in a separate download. The MMM OMOD installer is recommended for easier install but not required.
Install order for MMM 3.7b3 BSA
NOTE: Since all resources are stored in a bsa now, install order is important in order to avoid compatibility issues. In particular, MMM still shares some of same resources from the UOP and Cobl.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (if applicable)
DLC's + Patches (if applicable)
Francesco's Creatures-Items 4.5 (Required for MMMforFrans)
OOO version 1.33 full patched to OOO 1.34 beta5 (Required for MMMforOOO)
Oblivion WarCry patched to 1.085b, patched to OblivionWarCry 1.09 (optional)
Bob's Armory 1.1 (optional)
Armamentarium and Artifacts (optional)
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3 (required), Diverse WaterLife Update 3.7b3pF (optional, if applicable)
Cobl (optional)
MMM 3.7b3 Cobl Update (optional, if applicable)
Cobl Races (optional)
FCOM 9.9 + supported add-ons (add-ons optional)
Body Replacement mods (Roberts, Exnem. EVE etc) (optional)
Texture replacers (optional)
Quick Install Guide for MMM 3.7b3
NOTE: The MMM.bsa must be renamed appropriately depending on which mods that are used. See below for details.
1. Extract MMM.bsa to your Oblivion/Data directory
2. Select Mart's Monster Mod.esm [If using OOO, also select Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm]
3. Select ONE of the following:
Mart's Monster Mod.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa
[For FCOM users:] FCOM_Convergence.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to FCOM_Convergence_Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
4. Read about the range of optional plugins in the section of the MMM Readme
5. Select your choice of plugins and extract them to your Data directory
6. Select your choices of files from above and rebuild the Bashed Patch if using it
7. Play!
MMM 37b3PR3 Release Notes
NOTE: Changes since the last version are underlined.
New features
- BSA format now standard for MMM.
- Compatibility fixes so MMM does not overwrite OOO meshes and textures for Creatures.
- Optimized Textures and PyFIIed Meshes. Also many new texture improvements and optimizations.
Major fixes
- Tons of Creatures repointed to use correct meshes in MMMforOOO.
- Found a few NPCs that were marked as no low level processing but were added to wilderness LeveledLists which was causing random CTDs when these LeveledLists were used.
- Additional Enemy Variants Plugin Updated.
- Fixed some oblivion gates LeveledLists so that script was attached.
- Fixed Various LeveledLists that had template added that were not needed.
General fixes for all versions
- More UOP Fixes and USIP fixes applied. Too many to list.
- Tweaks to Daedra LeveledLists for no high lvl spawning of dremoras at low lvls.
- New Changes to Undead lairs, Reavers will no longer be found in Undead Lairs where Liches are present.
- Balrog have been rebalanced in LeveledLists.
- Many New Passive Creatures and Spiders.
- Liches have Undead Faction added to them.
- Undead fixes for compatibility with Supreme Magicka.
- All New Extra Wounding, with better handling.
- Releveled New Boars.
Creatures and Item additions
- Runeskulls and Diverse Haunted Heads - The Haunted Heads have been expanded to include new types which are Runeskulls themselves.
- Diverse Wisps - Almost 300 New Will-o-the-Wisps to be found now in MMM.
- Slof's Horses and Extra Horses - Adds over 300 New Slof Horses.
- Undead expanded to include new types that wear Helmets.
- Farm Animals.
- New Lesser Hill Giants - LeveledLists updated for them across all versions as needed.
Merged mods
- MMMforSI merged - The MMMforSI plugin now only contains vanilla creature and LeveledList changes. You will still get MMM changes without using this plugin as MMMforSI was Merged for compatibility reasons.
- Wild Horses from Slof's Horses.
- Durzog Addon.
- Runeskulls and Diverse Haunted Heads.
- H&C and Foxes merged into one.
- Farm Animals.
MMMforFran Fixes
- Adjust Min/Max level on Goblins to reflect those from Fran's itself.
- Fixed some NPCs that were using wrong Skeleton type.
- Misc LeveledList fixes for new additions.
- UOP Fixes.
This is an Unofficial MMMforOOO update by Corepc. dev_akm has not approved or checked over all the changes. So use at your own risk. OOO 1.34 Beta 5 is required. Most of the changes were made to integrate 3.7 Features; the new Undead additions, Wild Horses, Durzogs, Lesser Hill Giants, Bat fixes and much more. UOP fixes, too many to list, as it was swapped back and forth between dev_akm and me.
Spawn Rate Plugins
All Spawn Rate Plugins checked or revamped for 3.7b3. To include changes for Diverse Wisps, Durzogs, Wild Horses etc.
The Moderate and Increased Spawn Rates plugins now work differently - they are more balanced with MMM default Spawn Rate itself, as using these plugins would lead to you becoming too wealthy in the long run. I adjusted the count on most of the lists to reflect default spawn rate, with addition of new entries as well that cover the increased counts.You will still have large groups using these plugins - just not as much anymore.
Moderate: 1-2-3-4
Increased: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Reduced: Adjusted nearly all counts on LeveledLists to be 1-2-3 now
Reduced Reduced: All counts 1-2-1 now, no more spawning in 3
Reduced Vanilla: 1-1-2
No XXX plugins - Updated and checked all No XXX plugins. No Beholdens use new method for Boss Types. Updated No Wyvern to not spawn Beholden, instead will spawn Clannfear. Replaced Golden Saint that was spawing at lvl 1 with Clannfear runt. Checked all others and verified that they work properly when used together and across MMM configs.
Hunting and Crafting - Now includes foxes.esp itself. This means that you no longer have to craft items to get H&C stuff.You can visit the shack outside of Bruma and purchase your stuff if you like. Armor has been adjusted to be slighty better than vanilla for some types.
Gems and Gems Dust - Updated some Gem LeveledLists for compatibility, cleaned with TES4Edit as well.
City Defences - Plugins updated to last version, new meshes for some wall segments in Anvil and Skingrad that help stop the archers from falling as much. All fixes from B1 version kept as well. Cleaned with TES4Edit.
MMM Knights - Updated MMMforOOO version, added NDPredatorFaction so that plugin would work better with both natural Creatures from both OOO and MMM.
MMM Safer Quest Locations - Renamed from MMM Vindasel. Includes Vindasel and GreyLand changes. Disables and moves vanilla spawnpoints, making these locations to follow more how the game intended them to be. More locations to be added later.
MMM More Wilderness Life - Updated. Removed a few spawn points, Skingrad in particular.
Many more fixes that I may have forgotten to list.
End of 3.7b3PR Release.
=Older Downloads= Not required for 3.7b3PR Listed above
Please Make Sure that you have MMM 3.5.5b5 (OMOD or Full Package) Installed, Before Installing 3.7 Upgrade's or 3.6 Version
New - See Post 2..
3.7b1 Fixes
* First, I spent several days checking over everything and made alot of fixes some that may not be listed. But all of it was MMM related and ALOT OF IT WAS CHECKING Compatibility with MMM itself, MMMForFrans, MMMforOOO, FCOM, so there could be better intergration in some areas for some..
* Major Change - Diverse Creatures Skins has been merged into MMM.esm so you no longer need this remove it from your list, and rebuild bashed patch..this was done to allow MMM Knight of Nine to work better and not conflict without wrye bash - now all creature will use different model most of the time, so low end users may see a small performance hit..if so use lower spawn rate reducer if you need or turn off can still keep it activated but just load before MMM for Knights patches..
* The MMM Knight of Nine to be fully compatible, which details about are listed below..
* MMM Frans - fixed goblin that where missing green blood, and fixed leveled quest issue of incorrect combat package setting..weird one that ones was formid error itself..
* Fixed various issue of new creature's not showing up correctly in spawn rate you will need to wait x amount of days once again for changes to take effect..Mostly making sure that all new addition's where being added correctly to leveledlist for Frans,OOO,FCOM..Still suggesting to use Wrye Bash with these mods..
* Additionial Enemy Variants updated once more to include some missing wildhounds and reaver hounds..
* All these plugin's havbe been update to work with MMMforSi
No Spider, No Wyvern, No Slimes, etc..
* GhostlyAppartionFix merged
* New Vindasel Plugin - instead of deleting the leveledlist, I moved them below ground out of site and disabled them, and used same leveledlist that I used before..(no more crash on exit has this could have caused that)
New Creatures for 3.7b1
Durzog by Mr.Siika
Durzog from Morrowind Lore, these creatures are fierce and reptilian like, in Tribunal they where found alongside goblin's. And has of recently they have start reappearing in Cryodiil, out in Wild or where goblins can be found..
the Durzog family (textures by Corepc and Jdfan ) (normal by Jdfan)
Durzog are added to challenge leveledlist which are randmon wilderness encounter and goblin leveledlist ..But not to Clan Goblin which are handplaced ..we will work on a solution for adding Durzog to Clan Goblin in the future.
3.6beta4 List of Fixes
New Creatures Added merged from Beta3 Addon's..You no longer these esp (boar addon, spider addon, fatbelly, wildhounds, etc)..All merged into Beta4..
New Spider's and Tarantula's by Malo,Elveon, Alienslof, Mikal33
14 in all - these are much faster and more deadly than their normal MMM counterparts that you used to fightning, beware some can be hard to see in the grass..(they only move one direction foward also, so they will circle you if they have too)
AlienSlof Dogs aka WildHounds in MMM - They can either be found helping you out in battle against wolves, lions, etc, so they are friendly, or they can be found following Ranger's.
FatBellyMinotaur Model and Textures by Corepc -
MrSikka Farm Animals, Textures by Corepc
New Boars by Corepc
New Ancient Transparent Golem by Conan Lon
New Imp Textures
New Black Widow Texture
Idle Animation Fixes
I finally got around and Added Idle Animation Procedure to All Creatures that where missing this information this include - They now have a random % chance of performing this various activities..etc..We have been missing this for a very long time now..Would like report's if you get a chance to see this stuff happen..
balrog - slack,stamp,scratch,drool
fiends - look and clench fist
Skeep - scratch and sniff
uberhulk - scan,roar,dig
Firedemon - scan, land
fleshGolem - snif, cowl
Hillgiant - sniff, cowl
LichKing - look
SwampStalker - gaze praise
ThornElemental - clench and look
There where no files for idles animations for uberlarva, slimes, beholders,swarm, so they do not have any special animation's.Wyverns did not attach idle animation since they where for mount's..
Farm Animals - well they have sleep idle animation (Thanks to Sarkandar,MrSiika of NpcwithJobs Team for making them) so they will sleep on their side (cows,pigs,calf,ox,etc) or perched (rooster,hen,chicken), etc..random once again..
Need feedback about these so that I can adjust the random%chance of it happening or fix any bugs has needed..
Fixes/Tweaks to Creatures
Reaver Hound(BloodHound) has correct faction assigned to it now
Hill Giant - I lowered their Int so that they would No longer enter through doors, the script still could change this so, for now this is just a test to see how they will react to it. and I changed the variable in cshillgiant script so that they would not scale in size larger than x amount in size..Hoping this fixes the problem with items attaching to right hand side of body on their feet..
Tweak of City Defences guard script's
1) Redone all Guard Placement..There is now only One Guard Per Segement if on very long wall run..I cut the path in half so they would not cross the path..this fixes them running into each other and causes them to fall off in most cases..
2) I have redone all the hand placed archer's, with those that come from leveledlist to improve performance
3) Having them in Leveledlist fixes problem of them in case they fall off and do not die, they will now die after x amount of days and respawn back on the walls (hopefully)
4) Fixed any remaining Pathgrid that needed to be turned from Red to Blue so that AI would follow them instead of falling off Wall (Chorrol) all other Towns checked and Pathgrid are blue has needed
5) Tweaked Aipackage so that they would not wander so far away from their path above..
6) There still may be cases of them falling of the wall..Has this is issue with how the game load objects, this is hard to fix I am trying to get a timer script to work that disable them until everything is rendered then they are enabled
Spawn Rate Plugins and No Whatever Plugins
Checked all spawn rate plugin's and adjusted has needed for new addition's of creatures from above. So Okay Here
Checked No Spider's plugin that working correctly with and without bash (load has last no whatever plugin correctly and merged)
Checked all other no whatever to make sure work correctly under MMM. FCOM will need own patch?
Hunting and Crafting Update - would MMM update would not be complete without a update once again..This time..
We decided to make both ayelid coins and plantinum coins avialable in the same game..We have balanced out the chances also of finding them..
End of 3.6beta4 Fixes
3.6beta3 list of Fixes
or - check out the super long readme here..
What MMM 3.6Beta 3 Fixes
- All Beta 2 Changes and Fixes and Blood Fixes intergrated
- Balrog and Lesser Balrogs rebalance
- Uberhulk Queen rebalance
- Numerous guard fixes from UOP3
- UOP Fixes has needed and Guard stats that where incorrect and add correct items that where missing from them..there where a few that did not have townshield assigned to them. a few stats that had their blade super low (was 6 now 54 or 56)
- NPC skeleton fixes
- Undead Legion Berserker was misspelled "Beserker"
- One Highwayman carrying a sword had Blunt skill instead of Blade
- Faction tweak for Bandits, Marauders, Necromancers, and Conjurers to address Issue of them Smiling at you while they kill you...LOL...
- Nearly ALL Goblin now have greenblood assigned to them all version MMM, MMMforFRans, MMMforOOO
- Fixed npc that where assigned the wrong skeleton all esm/esp/aev.esp checked..
- Added female shivering zombie to undeadboss list and added female armor nif that where missing has needed for that..
- Fixed Many Numerous Names that where incorrect (Countess's Bodyguard)
- Changed size of rabbit's to be larger was .60 now .80 (if this does not work then nif will have be scaled)
- Created 4 new bats with disease's and added to AMMBatslvl list.
- Changed faction on Foxes from Wolves to ImperialRanger Faction - Legion will not attack them now, but, they are almost prey now..May help you in a fight also.
- Checked All Spawn Rates Plugin and adjusted has needed for new bats that where added..
- Changed Wall Archer Class so that changes made by UOP would not lower their marksman class. Archers prefer to use Bows over blade / or blunt weapon even when in melee combat.
- New Gray Fox texture replace dark orange fox
- Bats, Rabbits,- to remove shine and increase detail
- Blood Textures and Goblin eye and heart updated to work across small, medium, large video settings (normal,bloom,hdr tested)
- Foxes Addon - Lilith Added Foxes spawning outside Fox Hut in Bruma now, and finished Interior Cell that has merchant that sells basic H&C goods..
- No Changes to H&C for Once!!! Could this be the last one..!!!
New Creatures in MMM3.6
We have new creatures thanks to the awesome creativity and kindness of xilverbulet! For added help in defeating some of
the new creatures I suggest taking a look at xilverbulets - These awesome creatures are exactly what the name implies; a buzzing, flying swarm of insects. They swarm, they sting, but they are too small to loot. - An elusive fellow, quick on his feet and able to cast invisibility to escape predators. He is naturally skittish and passive, but will put up a fight if need be before casting invisibility and running off. He is unique; a bipedal ram! - The offspring of the formidable Uberhulk and Uberhulk Queen. Their habitat of choice is water and can be found in and amongst crabs and water rats. Although not extremely aggressive they have a bit of a bite. - This creature is unique; he has mandibles/pincers and the ability to paralyze you. Although he looks to be a lumbering oaf, he is remarkably fast on his feet and can send his paralyzing spell in advance to stop you in your tracks. Can you say stealth? New ingredient: Uberhulk Pincers. - She is a bigger, more powerful Uberhulk. She wears her crown proudly and makes the Uberhulk look like child's play. Regardless of her size, she is quick on her feet and can sweep you off yours.
New ingredients: Uberhulk Pincers and Uber Jelly. - Forged from the depths of Oblivion, these Daedra bring a whole new concept to the battle in and around the Oblivion Planes. New ingredient: Superior Horn. New Weapon: Lesser Balrog Sword. - Much worse than his lesser cousin, this Daedra calls forth the very magma of Oblivion to aid him in battle. New ingredient: Superior Horn. New Weapon: Flaming Balrog Sword. Hint: Don't fight fire with fire. - Thralls of the Balrog, don't let them steal all of your attention, but don't turn your back on them either.
Optional plugins
New additions and changes to existing plugins.
* No Balrogs.esp - Removes Balrogs and their Thralls. [New in Beta2]
* No Skeep.esp - Removes Skeeps. [New in Beta2]
* No Uberhulk - Removes Uberhulk Larva, Uberhulks and Uberhulk Queens. [New in Beta2]
* No Slimes.esp - Now only removes the slimes. [New]
* No Fiends.esp - Removes only the fiends. [New]
* MMM - Less Reavers.esp - Reduces the Reaver spawn counts. [New]
* MMM for OOO - LessReaversInGates.esp - Reduces the Reaver spawn counts in Gate realms only. Can be used with MMM - Less Reavers.esp to get a greater overall reduction in their spawn rate. [New]
* MMM for OOO - NoReaversInGates.esp - Blocks the Reaver spawn in Gate realms only, but leaves them intact elsewhere. Can be used with MMM - Less Reavers.esp. [New]
* Hunting & Crafting.esp - Added chance to find sheep wool in clutter.
Fixes in MMM3.6
* Tones down the Berserker Ogre color some people experienced. (Thank you showler.)
* Reduces the loudness of the Wyvern on cell load. (Thank you showler.)
* Adds an icon for the Imperial Chainmail Cuirass worn by the Road Watchpeople.
* Switched the Reaver weapon icons that were inadvertently swapped.
* Added factions to the Juicy Imp (non-used creature) for compatibility with Midas Magic Creature Spell.
* Fixes a minor mishap with Werewolf mesh & textures.
MMM for Frans
* Fixed the Necromancer HighElf 2 skeleton from skeletonbeast.nif to skeleton.nif.
* Fixed the Necromancer MaleBreton4 from Argonian to Breton.
* Latest fixes and improvements by dev_akm.
Changes in MMM3.6Beta 2
* Three new .esps to remove Balrogs, Skeeps and Uberhulks from the game.
* New list placements for the Uberhulks.
* Balance fixes for Kvatch.
* Adjusted factions for bandits, marauders, necromancers, and conjurers to dislike the player even more than before. This should help to avoid problems where a bandit charges off to fight a mudcrab instead of the player.
* Latest fixes, adjustments and improvements by dev_akm.
Thanks to Lilith for Taking over the Reins while I was out.
Installation notes:
If you have previously installed the Wyvern sound fix you'll need to disable the .esp prior to installing the 3.7 Beta
You must have a complete install of MMM 3.5.5.b5 to use MMM3.7 upgrade beta.
=== HOW TO INSTALL MMM 3.7Beta Upgrade===
MMM 3.7Beta Upgrade (requires MMM Version 3.5.5b5 already installed)
1) Disable and remove 3.5.5b4 esm / esp from 3.5.5b5, as well as all optional plugins, but do not remove any of the resource files (meshes, textures, etc.).
2) Install MMM 3.7Beta and overwrite all ESM/ESP and optional files (if you have any) with the new ones. You MUST have the official patch 1.2.0416 or SI Patch 1.2.0416 for MMMforSI installed to use MMM 3.7.x
3) In-game, rest inside somewhere without any NPCs for 4-14 days* to ensure your cells reset allowing new creatures and NPCs to spawn. You MUST do this if you are upgrading an existing save game. You do NOT have to do this if you are starting a brand new game.
* Resting/waiting length depends on what game respawn time you are using. Default is 3 days, but some mods such as OOO or Frans can extend this to two weeks or more.
=== LOAD ORDER ===
Load Order Guide by Corepc
As MMM is designed to work both alone and with other mods like OOO and Francesco's, it's important that MMM is loaded after these to take effect. If you are using MMM with Francesco's or OOO, this would be a good load order. Note that esm "master files" always load first regardless.
MMM and Francesco's:
Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Francesco's optional plugins
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp
MMM and OOO:
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp
Mart's Monster Mod's optional plugins
What are the different versions?
Mart's Monster Mod - Use with vanilla, Adventurers and pretty much everything else!
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran - A tailored version for Francesco's that allows stronger enemies and stronger bosses and more to appear in MMM. Note that MMM is fully updated for the latest Fran's with the exception of the customizable loot, which is slated for 2.1. For now MMM NPCs default to the hardcoe balance model, but customizable loot works everywhere else in the game world: Fran's NPCs, chests, house loot, leveled quests and more.
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - This release integrates the OOO loot for MMM NPCs, removes MMM guards so OOO guards take priority and cross-pollinates MMM and OOO factions so similar creatures behave correctly (i.e OOO wolves and MMM wolves are in the same faction).
NOTE: MMM adds increased spawns to the game. It's recommended to use a slower levelling mod as your combat skills may get more of a workout. Alternatively, take advantage of the new factions, and lead one enemy to another and let them fight it out!
General Load Order for MMM Plugins
NOTE: FCOM users should follow the FCOM load order as it is very different because of how it works.
Generally speaking, you should use the following load order:
1. Any MMM plugin that adds things, like creature addon, bat addon, more reavers, etc., needs to load before spawn rate plugins so that the leveled list that is used by spawn rate plugins gets updated correctly with these new changes.
2. Plugins like Looting, Diverse Creatures, Hunting and Crafting, Gems and Gems Dust, Diverse Imperial Armor etc. need to load after any hotfixes, creature addons, more Reavers etc. so that these changes take effect.
3. Any MMM plugin that removes things like creatures (No Rats, Less Rats, No Spiders etc.) should be loaded before spawn rate plugins so that those plugins take affect and change the spawn rate leveled list appropriately.
NOTE: Some of these files are not included in the latest version; they are linked below.
Mart's Monster Mod.esp [or MMM for Fran or OOO]
[MMM plugins that fix or add new things.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Durzog Addon.esp
[MMM plugins that change creatures, modify things, or scripts.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Imperial Armor.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Creature Skins.esp [Older Version only 3.6 and below. Merged in 3.7.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Durability & Damage.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp
[Any MMM plugins that remove creatures or change leveled list for things like rats, bone loot, or make special changes. If it says "No" or "Less", it should load before the spawn rate plugins, so that whatever is being lessened or removed is properly changed on, or removed from, the leveled lists.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Less Rats.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Roads.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Carrion Rats.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Blood.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Giants.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Undead Rise.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Spiders.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Slimes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Werewolves.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Lanterns.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Adventurers.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - No Wyvern.esp
[Spawn Rate Plugins.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Spawn Rates Reduced Reduced.esp [or Reduced, Moderate, Increased.]
[Miscellaneous: I always load these last.]
Mart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Foxes.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp - Hand Placed Location UL compatible
Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [Formerly Bats addon]
Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp [This only adds new spawn points to the world which use leveled lists from the spawn rate plugin plus any mods that modify spawn lists.]
Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life No Gates
Mart's Monster Mod - City Defences.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions MMM+Fran.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO+FCOM.esp [These two make factions more friendly; they can really be anywhere in the load order.]
General notes
Note: Generally, MMM should always be loaded last in your chain. The main exception is Mighty Magick - this should be loaded after MMM.
Other notes:
* If you use AxeBane Hunters 2.0 or Hunters 2.5, de-select it (included in MMM)
* If you use Creature Continuum, de-select it (included in MMM)
* If you use OOO, you do not need the Diverse Imperial Armor it is already included.
* If you use Beautiful People or any other mod based on Elaborate Eyes, don't use the Races Resized optional plugin.
* If you use onboard sound, nearby creatures may cause stuttering. Use the newest Quiet Feet mod, which is compatible with MMM, OOO and others.
What Do the Different Plugins Do?
City Defences - All cities except the IC now have legion archers patrolling the battlements of each city. Based on the Wall Archers concept by gumballthechewy, this has been built from the ground up with MMM using less guards so as not to impact performance, added external cell as well internal cell guards, added pathing points for patrols along the battlements, and gave them special torches and equipment to enhance their effect.
Damage & Durability - Increases weapon damage by 50%, weapon skill based damage by 50%, and armor and weapon durability by 100% to help fights go faster and armor last longer with the default increase in spawns. [Do not use with OOO as it already contains this tweak.]
Diverse Imperial Armors - The much-improved Imperial City Guard armors by yakueb. [Do not use with OOO as it already contains this.]
Gems & Gem Dust - Combines Gem Dust, Tamriel's Glittering Geology and Bone Grind into MMM's crafting system. The Gem Dust scripts have been scaled and applied against the gems in Tamriel's Glittering Geology, which you will also now find appearing on some creatures and in gem-based loot level lists. Now updated by Bendiwolf to include new gem dusts for the new gems.
Friendlier Factions for MMM+Fran - Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this one for standalone MMM or MMM and Francescos.
Friendlier Factions for OOO+FCOM - Like it says on the box. Inter-faction fights less likely to occur for all creatures, except Bandits and Marauders who are mortal enemies. Use this one for MMM and OOO or MMM and FCOM.
Francesco's levelled quests - Francesco's levelled quests plugin updated for MMM. Requires Francesco's. NOTE: See the 'Fran's Leveled Quest Update' section below for how to use this.
Hunting & Crafting - Enables a huge crafting system within MMM to create weapons and armor from the natural resources in the MMM world. See the MMM 3.0 summary and the Crafting section for more on what items you can create.
Less Bone Loot - Another request in the official thread, reduced generic bone loot on creatures for those who don't use bones for crafting.
Less Rats - Decreases chances of rats by 33% and lower the count of them. NOTE: Do not use with Spawn Rates - Reduced Reduced.
Looting NPCs & Creatures - NPCs, Goblins and Ogres will loot the bodies of their fallen prey. The exception are Guards, since you don't want them taking your loot (unless you don't mind killing them for it). Looting is about more than just NPCs taking each other's gear - it breathes much more life into the world.
More Wilderness Life - Another community plugin developed by Dae, More Wilderness Life adds hundreds of new spawn points across Tamriel to help fill the bare, empty areas Bethesda left in the game. This isn't about simply meeting more creatures - the advanced behavioral AI and inter-faction relationships introduced by MMM results in a thriving, living world around you as you travel (and where you're not always the center of attention), completely changing your experience of Tamriel. Highly recommended!
More Wilderness Life No Gates - Removes all the spawns points that where added to Oblivion gates. It's a more reduced version of MWL for people who were having issues.
No Blood - Prevents corpses from being extra-bloody.
No Bone Loot - Removes all Bone loot, for people who don't want to use the crafting plugin.
No Carrion Rats - Removes Carrion Rats spawning at corpses after a few hours. Alternatively, you can load this plugin in the Construction Set and alter the percentage chance. Just look for the global variable 'AMMRatPercent'.
No Lanterns - Removes lanterns from the game.
No Undead Rise - Prevents undead from rising after they are killed.
Resized Races - Extended diversity in race sizes. Females being generally shorter, Nords and Orcs bulkier.
Dungeons of MMM - Contains the Bat Cave showing off a swarm of Bats. Once you get passed them there is special suprise...a 5 level dungeon designed by Team MMM...
Additional Enemy Variants - Add new types of Barbarians, Berserkers, BloodMoon Warriors etc. into the Game
Extra Wounding - Extends MMM 3.5.3 combat/wounding/fatique system to NPCs and Creatures that are not modified by MMM. It affects vanilla NPCs and Creatures as well as those added by other mods.
Safer Question Location's aka formely Vindasel - Removes all MMM spawn points from this location, making the quest location more lore like as the game intended.
Zombie for Body Meshes - Use this if you have problem with zombie not showing up correctly with body mods installed.
*New* Farm Animals - Adds Farm Animals to various Locations around the world, all UL compatible locations.You will not see Farm Animals without this plugin activated until they are merged in for Final MMM 3.7.
*New* MMMforShiveringIsles - See below.
Spawn Rate Plugins Explained
This is how the Spawn Rate Plugins work. The numbers show the amount of spawn points per cell The count in leveledlist listed in spawn rate plugin = amount you will encounter.
- Increased is 4-5-6 - max possible 12, min 8 if there where 2 spawn points in cell
- Moderate is 3-4-5 - 10 max, 6 min,
- Default [no spawn rate plugin] is 2-3-4 - 8 max, 4 min
- Reduced is 1-2-3 - 6 max, 2 min
- Reduced Reduced is 1-2-1 - 4 max, 2 min
This is basic formula for spawn rate plugins and what it follows, amount of spawn points per cell X count in leveledlist in spawn rate plugin once more.
Spawn Rate Reduced - Reduced spawn rates for lower-end machines, stealthy characters, or those who prefer less action but want the other features MMM offers.
Spawn Rate Reduced Reduced - As above, but further reduced. Make MMM spawns more vanilla like 1-2 encounters per spawn point.
Spawn Rate Moderate Increased - Slightly higher rates than MMM default would be, but not as much increased as the Increased spawn rate plugin below.
Spawn Rate Increased - The oppposite of RSR, this plugin adds a crazy amount of spawns to hardcoe trigger happy players.
Recommended plugins
It's highly recommended to play with the following plugins for the full MMM experience:
- Damage & Durability
- Diverse Creature Skins
- Gems & Gem Dust
- Looting NPCs & Creatures
- More Wilderness Life
Don't forget that if you're finding the going tough, especially if you're loading More Wilderness Life, you can also try:
- Friendlier Factions
- Reduced Spawn Rates
=== Francesco and MMM Install ===
From Francesco's:
Option Group 1 - Quest and Arena Only. MMM already contains leveled guards.
Option Group 2 - You can use all these.
Option Group 3 - None of these as they are already in MMM. For stronger enemies and bosses it's necessary to use the Bashed Patch to make it work.
Option Group 4 - Only Vendor Tweaks. Everything else already in MMMforFrans.
New Third Party Items - New Item Addon Only.
All Creatures as well as AI behavior and Scripts are already in MMMforFrans.
From MMM:
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran, Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests and whatever else you want to use from MMM plugin wise.
Spawn Rate Reduced or Reduced Reduced is recommended for first timer users of MMM.
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran is set to Fran's hardcoe mode by default and most of Fran's customizible features do work.
Fran's Leveled Quests Update
If you use Mart's Monster Mod - Fran's leveled quests.esp, ensure you load the plugin after both Fran's and MMM files.
You MUST ensure you have Francescos optional leveled quests.esp installed from Fran's, either standalone or merged into the Francescos optional files.esp from the install, or loading the Mart Monster Mod - Frans leveled quests.esp will not work.
=== Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul and MMM Install ===
Download and install OOO 1.33 and OOO 1.34 Beta 5.
Make sure that Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm is loading before Mart's Monster Mod.esm and Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm (in 3.5.4 and above) and also that Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp is loading before Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp. Do not use Diverse Skins, Diverse Imperial Armor or Gems and Gems Dust.
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp
MMM plugins