Luck and critical hits

Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:58 am

The wiki says that Luck has an impact on critical hit chance in V.A.T.S. Does that also apply "live" game play as well?

In another thread I asked about Perception. I want to lower perception to 1 to gain 4 additional pint to put into luck. I was also thinking of taking the trait "built to destroy" I really want to max out my luck/critical hit chance.
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Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:25 pm

The wiki says that Luck has an impact on critical hit chance in V.A.T.S. Does that also apply "live" game play as well?

In another thread I asked about Perception. I want to lower perception to 1 to gain 4 additional pint to put into luck. I was also thinking of taking the trait "built to destroy" I really want to max out my luck/critical hit chance.

Get Luck 8 + Luck Implant + Lucky shades + 1st Recon beret + Ulysses' duster + Light Touch + Finesse + Better Criticals = Critical bastard ;-)
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Kelly John
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