This is the four time I'm playing LR and never had this problem before. I'm in Hopeville Missile Bunker and ED-E needs to enable the mainframe for exiting the silo, I already got the codes from the dead general desk, but when I say to ED-E unlock the mainframe he stands in front of it, give a
I tried reloads, some console commands and even reloading from the beginning of the DLC and nothing changed.
Does anyone have another suggestion?
If it helps, the very first time I played LR I had a glitch with ED-E also. After you launch the ICBM at Ashton Missile Base and enter the silo you pass the elevator and have to access to the silo command center.
There's a room with a auto-doc, a comissary terminal and a sentry bot.
The first time I played the game, this comissary caused a glitch with ED-E, he goes to the front of the comissary but the animation displaying it was unlocked didn't happened.
This caused ED-E to try over and over unlock the comissary without end.
I had to kill the sentry bot without his help, even with the sentry bot firing at him and only after killing the sentry bot ED-E gave up the comissary.
It was unlocked, but the comissary animation still didn't happened, the upper button in the machine that slide it in was in the same spot (I'm assuming that this caused the glitch).
Thank you everyone.