Fan made DLC

Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:18 am

Maybe this is a dumb question, but why don't they use fan made DLC? So many people make great Mod's, why wouldnt Bethesda let people pay to download them? Maybe if a fan made an exceptionaly good one that passes Bethesda quality control, Beth could give them a cut of the profit and allow it to be downloaded. It would give great incentive for people to make high quality Mod's if they knew they could get some cash out of it. They give the G.E.C.K. for use on p.c. so it's not about "runing the story line" because they let people make Mod's for the P.C. I would be willing to pay a few bucks to get a nice group of Mod's. Is it not feasable to port it to the XBOX? Does Microsoft not allow things like this? Seems like free money for Beth, and alot of extra enjoyment for us console players.

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