In Oblivion we could hunt with swords, but can we in Skyrim? I know running speed is reduced, but if wildlife is slow we may still be able to catch them.
In Oblivion we could hunt with swords, but can we in Skyrim? I know running speed is reduced, but if wildlife is slow we may still be able to catch them.
sprint. also hiding along trails you know game frequents could be helpful.
The main charaacter in my favorite book of all time, "Doppler" by Erlend Loe, lais himself in wait on top a hill and takes down a full grown pregnant moose with a camping knife! Soooorry for tard English!
Flame spell! You hunt and cook at the same time! Killing two birds with a single stone. (except if you actually killed two birds, in that case you would be killing four birds with a single stone er spell)