If the devs decide to produce a GOTY version, they'll have a chance for adding new content like additional companions. Even Sawyer himself said on his Formspring that he regrets the fact there is no Legion-orientated companion in NV. With a GOTY, they'll be able to produce a couple more.
Not only Legion, but maybe even a House, Kings, Powder Gangers or Khans companion. I can think of a bunch already existing characters that would be great to add. Benny, Sunny Smiles, Alerio, and even some DLC characters like Follows-Chalk and Dean Domino. Honestly, Domino's positive ending slide says he's heading for New Vegas. Why isn't he there? I really thought that after all the trouble of not killing the guy, he would be added as a permanent companion afterwards.
Also, not only companions; they could add new quests, new Legion settlements (the base game has way too few, maybe they could show us a place where the Legion runs an actual town instead of a war camp), maybe even entirely new factions.
So what do you think? Myself, I know that I would be tempted to buy a GOTY edition if there were some cool extra content even though I already own the game including every DLC.