Well I love Risk, and I Love The Elder Scrolls. So why no combine these two? We already have LOTR and Star Wars RISKS (I know those two has a wider selection of fans than TES, but still). I also saw Halo Wars Risk, so Hasbro has already made a video game Risk.
I think a TES RISK would totally kick ass. I know a lot of you isn't into strategy board games, and that the TES community mainly consists of RPG fans. But if someone actually would be interested in both, he or she would love it. Heck I think everyone would.
I think it would be possible to make a board game out of tamriel without having to make up new stuff about the universe. Use existing materials from the games. We don't want anything made-up, a weird continent or race...
The game would look like the original RISK, a big map. The continents will consist of the nine provinces of Tamriel, instead of the 6 (not antartic) continents of earth. In the original risk, there isn't different races, but in LOTR for example there is elves (light) and orcs (dark). It would be possible to make something like that (mer, man, deadra etc). I really don't want all the different races in a risk game, that wouldn't work. 2-4 categories/races would be amazing. The plastic units would be creatures from the game. (example 1 unit from Mer = an elven bowman. 5 units from Deadra = Xivilai. 10 units from Man = a tame dragon with Dovahkiin riding on it?)
What is your thoughts about this? I am deeply sorry if someone else already posted about this, I have searched for it but didn't find anything about this. Please do not flame because you're not interested in some cardboard drawings of Tamriel with small plastic units on it... I am, and some others might be as well.