» Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:23 am
I'll play as my main alone for a long time, certainly till I complete the MQ and the Companions, and quite possibly the Daedric Shrines too (assuming they still have quests like in Oblivion - one of the best sets of quests in the game IMHO). I'll then switch to my alts, and I'll quite possibly play more than one of them at once, seeing as they'll all do different parts of the game (i.e. College of Winterhold for my 2nd character, Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood for my 3rd and so on). I've not played more than one at once before, but I get the feeling I'll want to in Skyrim now the races all look so interesting.
I'll be a one-character gamer for the first... 100 hours or so though, I should think. And then my main will get some more playtime when DLC comes out - he'll always be the first character to experience new content.