The only things I've really figured out to sell all the time because they are completely useless is cigarettes. What about Pre-war money and NCR money? Is there any reason to hang on to it or should I just sell to vendors? What other things should I pick up to sell that don't really have any other uses? I generally try to pick up just about everything for when I figure out how to do recipes and make stuff (food, weapons, etc) but right now my level and skills are too low to do much of any of that, so I'm just hoarding. But I hate constantly being bogged down and having to fast travel back to my dumping point, I'd much rather figure out which things I should just sell outright, and which things are worth carrying around the extra weight for when I need them. I don't like hoarding stuff and dumping it somewhere (Victor's shack), but I'm afraid that if I don't, I'm gonna miss out on something down the line.