But I can't decide. Here are my choices:
(1). Renee Gade III. Renee Gade II was a rogue warrior (kinda like Xena) who was melee combat only. Her only spell was the cheapie Heal Minor Wounds that we get at the beginning of the game, and she was also born under the sign of Mara. Otherwise, she relied on potions and scrolls for any magical effects.
With Renee Gade III, I'm going to further define this by making her a melee only character who does not practice any magic whatsoever (tho she may still use potions). Renee Gade III will be an Imperial with dark hair (just like Xena), and do nothing but the Arena questline (for old time's sake) and maybe a minor side quest here and there. Other than that, she'll do lots and lots of exploring...and maybe she'll just do a few FG quests, just to get access to all their goodies.

(2.) Choice #2 is Lady Saga, a gal I was thinking I'd introduce in Skyrim, but I'm getting more and more antsy to try her now while I'm really comfy with Oblivion. :dance:
Lady Saga is going to be a blond wood elf. Yea, I'm stealing the Buffy idea a little, except Lady Saga will probably not do any quests whatsoever, excpet maybe some early MG stuff. I'm not entirely sure if she'll be a druid or a ranger...perhaps she'll wind up being a combo of both. I see her roaming the forests a lot for some reason.
She will mostly be a bow & arrow gal, with limited magics as well. Probably Illusion, Restoration, and a bit of Mysticism in her spell book. No destructive magic. :nope: Other than this, I'm not sure what or who she will turn out being.
Now in both cases (Renee Gade III or Lady Saga) there's this cool idea I have, wherby I'm going to find whatever NPC followers the game offers up, and just have them follow my character, to the point that I've got a little adventuring party going.

RGIII, for instance, will probably just start the Skingrad recommendation just to get Erthor on her team, but she'll never actually finish up the quest. Erthor will therefore be her pal and teamate (PAY DAY! LET'S ROLLL!). Since Renee is not going to be magic-oriented, Erthor's knowlege of magics will balance her game at times.
There is a choice #3 as well, for those of you who just think I should focus on EradiKate, who still has not come anywhere near finishing up the Thieve's Guild, and will probably procrastinate finishing up the end of Dark Brotherhood.