Bethesda's Replacement for Weapon/Armor Degradation?

Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:49 pm

I'd have a lot more fun playing with a dagger if the game punshed me for being stupid enough to try and block said things together. (Insert Opinion statment here.) I know very well what suspention of disbelief means, it means you can look past things that don't make sense because their fun. I'm a dbz fan for crying out loud. That anime more or less wrote the book. But Bethesda isn't going for dbz, they're going for the standard western rpg and all that comes with it. Tier weapon types get better and better until you find the end all be all ore that all those below you boot feel blessed just to be killed by. And if the dai-katana of dragonbone is cutting through flesh so easily, weapons would probably be the same. In real life, I can't cut through enemy weapons with one swift slice of a blade, but I could suspend my disbelief long enough to watch in awe as I simultaniously cut through their weapon, armor, and face with one nice slice. I'd suspend my disbelief if those who used daggers went prince of persia and started flipping all over the place dodging or AC style dodging/deflecting. But like Toad said, that's more blocking animations than item degredation.

And one more thing. If meh spelln ish tat bd, din I r teh srsy. U se, I ws drped n mi hed wn I wre yng. If you really need to insult me, have at it but it only makes you look like an ass and thus proporsionally makes my side look a lot better. So I can't spell very good...well, whatever. I'm a lot better than many people you'll run into on the interwebs.

Now you're speaking for Bethesda. Wonderful.

According to interviews from Todd Howard and Pete Hines, they're not going for "standard" anything, and when it comes to their gameplay, they actually break quite a few molds. I wouldn't say there's many archetypal systems within Bethesda's gameplay. Look at their version of the modern day shooter ... not exactly like other modern day shooters. Same with Oblivion and Morrowind. Not exactly like other modern day RPG's. At all. Bethesda's entire PR spin for this entire game is, "stereotypical setting, non-stereotypical everything else."

I'm not sure what your other points have to do with anything. Your anology towards Prince of Persia and the AC games is a flawed one, as anyone who follows video games can pretty much outright tell you that you can't meld and mix that many gameplay elements like that into a game this big. You can't do it with this many people playing the game. It would mean only players who used daggers would be allowed to use an allotted mechanic, and if it didn't then people with giant broadswords could also be flipping around and doing crazy [censored] ... which would, under YOUR RULES, BREAK YOUR SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF.

Your proposition is: unless they do this, I can't suspend my disbelief. Unless they add a completely different version of playing for the 30 some percent who play that way ... I can't believe it.

Why would you even bring up Dragonball Z? If anything, that proves my point even more. You're willing to see people fight with crappy animations for thirty minutes and do ridiculous, unbelievable things, even within the context of the show, and you evidently don't even bat an eye. You don't think there's logical inconsistencies within the DBZ universe? I watched it when I was nine - and I noticed them. A lot of them.

I don't think my insults towards you were malicious, untrue, or personal attacks. It is outright true that people attempting to argue should, at the very least, spell check their arguments to make sure they are being coherent. It stunts your argument when you spell worse than a third grader. It's a viable critique. Maybe if you didn't take such offense to everything, you'd learn, and you'd stop sounding like a god damned idiot.
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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:14 pm

Now you're speaking for Bethesda. Wonderful.

According to interviews from Todd Howard and Pete Hines, they're not going for "standard" anything, and when it comes to their gameplay, they actually break quite a few molds. I wouldn't say there's many archetypal systems within Bethesda's gameplay. Look at their version of the modern day shooter ... not exactly like other modern day shooters. Same with Oblivion and Morrowind. Not exactly like other modern day RPG's. At all. Bethesda's entire PR spin for this entire game is, "stereotypical setting, non-stereotypical everything else."

Yes, I understand TES is in a league of its own, but it still is a pretty standard western rpg in that it isn't eastern with fighters who wield swords the size of telephone poles. It's western, and we both seem to grasp this very well.

I'm not sure what your other points have to do with anything. Your anology towards Prince of Persia and the AC games is a flawed one, as anyone who follows video games can pretty much outright tell you that you can't meld and mix that many gameplay elements like that into a game this big. You can't do it with this many people playing the game. It would mean only players who used daggers would be allowed to use an allotted mechanic, and if it didn't then people with giant broadswords could also be flipping around and doing crazy [censored] ... which would, under YOUR RULES, BREAK YOUR SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF.

I understand very well the limitations of this game. It's pushing everything so far that it can't have countless acrobatic moves of entertainment just because. It's still something I would like to see though. I'd say it's a fair dream to want that combat melted with this kind of massive game someday. It's what I'd like to see, not what I expect. You're picturing my suspention bridge of gaming lifeblood as very fragle, when infact I at most chuckle and then move on with my life. The Starwars prequals, while

Your proposition is: unless they do this, I can't suspend my disbelief. Unless they add a completely different version of playing for the 30 some percent who play that way ... I can't believe it.

What are you talking about? I'd like to see enemies flipping around as well, which would add a whole new tactical difficulty to the game when you're fighting said enemies. Mages who could flip around would garner a whole new outlook on what a mage could do. The great thing about tes is that class stables can be swaped and tested with other styles to see what is yielded. And it's not like they even have to for me to allow my gaming bridge of logic to continue flowing. I'm quite fine with how things are now. That isn't to say I wouldn't enjoy things if they were better (insert opinion statement here). You're painting it way to black and white. There is a bit of middleg ground for me to stand on quite contently.

Why would you even bring up Dragonball Z? If anything, that proves my point even more. You're willing to see people fight with crappy animations for thirty minutes and do ridiculous, unbelievable things, even within the context of the show, and you evidently don't even bat an eye. You don't think there's logical inconsistencies within the DBZ universe? I watched it when I was nine - and I noticed them. A lot of them.

Lol, I brought dbz up because I could probably point out every flaw it has, plot or otherwise, but I'm still able to gain a lot of entertainment out of it. Not quite sure what you read?

I don't think my insults towards you were malicious, untrue, or personal attacks. It is outright true that people attempting to argue should, at the very least, spell check their arguments to make sure they are being coherent. It stunts your argument when you spell worse than a third grader. It's a viable critique. Maybe if you didn't take such offense to everything, you'd learn, and you'd stop sounding like a god damned idiot.

Oh come on now. You know as well as I do people can't spell on the ol' WWW, and when it's brought up it's more or less an attack on the user. Most of the time people skip on by without batting an eye. I'd be the first to admit I really can't spell. But I know others are much worse off than I am. So unless you go around correcting everyone here, which I doubt you do because you're no fool who would waste that kinda time on a pointless effort, you pointed out my spelling errors specificly for a reason beyond they were kinda poor. It's just how things work here.
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Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:56 pm

not completely sure, but i think the upgrading system is just, and if not maybe a tad different to the one in Two worlds 2. you probs haven't played that but it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.
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James Smart
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Post » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:00 pm

If sharpening similar to repairing then it would be a definite step forward IMO. Blades can go blunt with usage dealing less damage but not breaking.
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