If you wish to sign-up with Rewards1 here is the link
When you sign-up, you have to use all of your real info. If you don't, you won't get your prizes because they can't send you a prize if you gave them the wrong address. You need a valid E-mail as well to confirm your account.
What is rewards1? And is it a scam? NOPE! Absolutely not I've bought tons of stuff of this site .Think of it this way a advertisers pays rewards1 to put their advertisemants on their site and every time someone clicks onto one of their ads an does a survey rewards1 gets paid by that advertiser so as a thanks for making them money they give you a portion of that money, now how much you earn depends on the surveys length Etc. once you have enough points for whatever it is that you want to buy, rewards1 allows you to choose a prize of your choice which they will order for you, from a website of your choice. It's basically that simple. You have nothing to lose give it a try!
Useful Software(not needed)
?RoboForm AI
?Firefox Browser
actually a pretty good site if you have patience