This is my theory crafting, feel free to add or adjust if you see any conflicts or mistakes
Toughness (2): 6
Sub-Dermal Implant: 4
Reinforced Spine: 2
Remnants Armor Helmet: 8
Remnants Power Armor: 28
Whiskey (with Cass)/ Upgraded ED-E: 2
Nuka Cola Quartz: 3
Datura Hide: 1
This gives a non-situational DT of 54
there are other DT perks that are situational and can further increase your DT
Stonewall: 5 DT vs melee
Nerd Rage: 15 DT when less than 20% hp
In shining armor: 5 DT vs energy weapons if in metal plate
Fight the power: 2 DT if fighting NCR, BoS, or Legion
hit the deck: 25 DT against explosives
so at less than 20% hp and being attacked by a legion/BoS/or NCR member with either a melee weapon or energy weapon you could get a DT of 72
at less than 20% hp and being attacked by a legion/BoS/NCR member with explosives you could get a DT of 92!
again, feel free to correct me if I am wrong