You get a fixed amount of perks, 70 odd if you power level, about 50 for a normal end game character. Want decapitation, but consider the other perks necessary to get it as useless? Fine, think of it as decapitation costs four perks, whereas a damage boost costs one. That would be fair, extra cost for a better perk, whether or not you want the perks below, it's an ability that is worth more.
As for the +20% perks, apart from the first one you have a choice. More damage or interesting effect. Lot of posts here saying there should be more effects, but that takes the choice away from those who want extra damage. Someone wants a half braindead Orc who smashes skulls instead of worrying about fancy moves, then extra damage is part of what defines that character, but it seems from some of this thread that such a character shouldn't be possible, because some people wouldn't find it interesting.
Also there are two types of choice. Spellmaking, taking perks by 'jumping around the trees', wielding a sword, a shield, and a spell, these were all choices, but didn't require decisions. Now, with the limited amount of spells, the equipping to hands, and the limits on perks, real choices have to be made. Someone mentioned a healing flame. Well, making that spell was one of millions of choices, choices with no real consequence, now you have to decide whether the flame or the healing will best serve you, or whether you can afford to forego a weapon to use both. You can burn enemies and heal yourself at the same time, but there are consequences, specifically not being able to use a sword or shield at the same time.
Which sounds more interesting? Choices without worrying about limitation or consequence, from a vast amount of options, not real decisions of import at all, or being constantly required to make choices, every encounter demanding tactical decisions, and getting the perks you want requiring forethought and the sacrifice of other potential abilities?
As for the +20% perks, apart from the first one you have a choice. More damage or interesting effect. Lot of posts here saying there should be more effects, but that takes the choice away from those who want extra damage. Someone wants a half braindead Orc who smashes skulls instead of worrying about fancy moves, then extra damage is part of what defines that character, but it seems from some of this thread that such a character shouldn't be possible, because some people wouldn't find it interesting.
Also there are two types of choice. Spellmaking, taking perks by 'jumping around the trees', wielding a sword, a shield, and a spell, these were all choices, but didn't require decisions. Now, with the limited amount of spells, the equipping to hands, and the limits on perks, real choices have to be made. Someone mentioned a healing flame. Well, making that spell was one of millions of choices, choices with no real consequence, now you have to decide whether the flame or the healing will best serve you, or whether you can afford to forego a weapon to use both. You can burn enemies and heal yourself at the same time, but there are consequences, specifically not being able to use a sword or shield at the same time.
Which sounds more interesting? Choices without worrying about limitation or consequence, from a vast amount of options, not real decisions of import at all, or being constantly required to make choices, every encounter demanding tactical decisions, and getting the perks you want requiring forethought and the sacrifice of other potential abilities?
Excellent points, including that one about differentiating between choices and decisions. Thanks for tackling it from that angle.