Morrowind's wonderfully mysterious fog and its slower running speeds were two of the reasons Vvardenfell felt so much larger than Cyrodiil. So the first mods I made for my game back in 2006 was 1) a mod to slow the base running speed down and 2) a mod to pull in Oblivion's fog to about the same distance as Morrowind's fog. Those two changes made Cyrodiil feel massive and mysterious to me.
I find that strange, because in Morrowind, it seemed that I could run faster and jump higher than in Oblivion. I also think that the world felt bigger in Oblivion, because I could see farther.
On Topic: The exclusion of Acrobatics and Athletics is ironic, considering the addition of Dragons. That alone would have given all of us an incentive to run and jump.... to get out of the way of a giant flamethrower :flamethrower: . It seems that stamina is now the biggest factor in evasion, allowing us to run for longer periods of time.