Just curious mostly but I wanted to know what was it about Skyrim that brought you newcomers to the series?
The marketing campaign for this game really did it's job. It seem's to reach a wider audience but i'm not exactly sure what it was. For me i've been anticipating this game since the last one so my hype has been up for years.
Definetly the Radiant Story Telling system sold it to me. I CANNOT wait to see everyone frustration when they try to compile a walk through of each quest. :thumbsup:
The simple fact that there will even be an Elder Scrolls 5 is enough for me, I lost cost of the times I google searched Elder Scrolls 5 to no avail.
The music, the animations, the graphics, the locations, everthing... Skyrim is beautiful *sniff* *sigh*
Definetly the Radiant Story Telling system sold it to me. I CANNOT wait to see everyone frustration when they try to compile a walk through of each quest. :thumbsup:
New to TES, but not rpgs. Apart from the great graphics, fighting dragons hooked me and being able to play in third person sold it.
Morrowind and Oblivion both had pretty good graphics for their time and you could also play in 3rd person in those games. So I guess that leaves us with the dragons as the main attraction bringer
An open ended world where I don't have to deal with a holes being pricks in games like WoW and other MMOs. It is just me in the game world and no B.S. from other players.
An open ended world where I don't have to deal with a holes being pricks in games like WoW and other MMOs. It is just me in the game world and no B.S. from other players.
I can totally relate to that. MMO's svck. Bethesda does that single player open world thing better than most.