» Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:34 pm
I only really found Be More Objective ** hard, the escort duty map just take you time, once the enemies are there no more come until you move forward so if the bot gets stopped, kill all but one bot, go back behind it, put your turret down and then start to fix. Keep moving left to right and crouch behind it, and keep an eye on that other enemy. Fix all the way up, rinse and repeat. It's pretty tight quarters and I used a Medium with 2 SMGs to do it. Heavy use of grenades saves the day. ** Escort Duty might require at least some Universal Skills to be bought to make you a little harder.
On Tower Defense use an SMG and the Sea Eagle pistol, and use your turrets to cover the top level entrances and mines too. Stay on the platform and shoot them as they come up the stairs with your CQC weapons, use the pistol (it has high damage) to pepper anyone who is reluctant to come up to the top level and just take it one person at a time. Keep an eye on the top level entrances because the best tactic for those is just to ADS as they enter the map and gun them down straight away. Dont forget you can cook grenades and you should be good to go.
Plus, btw, I've found that if you do it Co Op you dont unlock the weapons, you have to do it Solo.