Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:04 am

Before I begin, I would like to introduce myself in this first thread. I am P-Monger. I am here to post about my experience playing Crysis and Crysis 2, but mainly to address an issue that I have decided can no longer be left un-noticed.

For too long customers of AAA game titles have been left at the mercy of the whims of game developers. I am here to demand some answers, and I want them in an expedient manner. Yes, you know exactly what I'm talking about don't you.

I. Want. That. Dedication. Achievement.

Would a music publisher sell a CD with a missing track at the end? Would an auto manufacturer sell a vehicle with a faulty brake or safety system? Would a clothing manufacturer sell a jacket with no zipper? Would a (Chinese) flag manufacturer sell an American flag with 49 stars?

Yes they would. They, like all companies and corporations are not moral entities. You will sell the cheapest product you can at the highest allowable price ($60 USD) that the market will allow, and try to get away with it. Your allegiance is to your bottom line

However large companies providing a service to MANY consumers might face what you call blowback from it's customers over this kind of behavior.

And at this point, it is not in your bottom lines best interest to have your software developers focus their attention at water under the bridge that is Crysis 2. No, you have more projects to work on and money will be lost along with their timetable if they focus fixing the dedication achievement. This will not stand. You, Crytek, have an OBLIGATION to your customers to provide a fully functional product for the money we exchange for it.

I now must lay out my demands. The developer Crytek shall do the following. They shall patch the Dedication Achievement within 2 business days. If they will not patch it in 2 business days, they shall have a press release indicating exactly when the achievement will be patched. If neither of these options are chosen, the developer Crytek has a 3rd option. Return the money paid by it's (asking) customers for selling a faulty, incomplete product, along with providing a list of future Cry Engine products in development for any current and/or potential customers to plan to avoid if they please.

Like a car, a game is worth more than the sum of it's parts. As far as I'm concerned, playing for 6 months and not receiving what I bargained for is the biggest slap in the face a customer could receive. Make no mistake, it has nothing to do with the quality of the single or multiplayer gameplay. It has to do with the moral and ethical implications of letting a game developer that fancies themselves as "AAA" to get away with this kind of behavior. It can not go any further and we will set a precedent that all AAA developers will learn from past this point.

These demands are not open to discussion or negotiation. If they are not met, an internet campaign will be commenced and all methods of achieving said demands will be explored. These include but are not limited to: twitter/tumblr/facebook/Google+/reddit/4chan/Microsoft Forums/Sony Forums. Pre-scripted letters will be distributed to all customers interested in seeking what they are rightfully entitled to, and they will be sent to any and all Crytek employees whose information is available on the Web. We will contact the publisher, EA games and speak to their Public Relations department. We will speak to Microsoft and Sony's PR as well.

If none of this is persuasive enough to these lackadaisical developers, we are prepared to pursue more persuasive means of getting what we paid for. Make no mistake, we will get that Dedication Achievement.

I approach everyone here with the utmost humility and respect. I love Crysis 2 for what it is. But this is really as unacceptable as it gets. I trust you will do the right thing.
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Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:20 pm


Indeed, we will get that achievement. I support what you're doing. I LIKE IT. I think 2 business days is pushing it though.... but it's been like 5 weeks so maybe you're right.
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:14 am

I fkn KNOW RIGHT. WAITED SIX MONTHS RIGHT HERE!!! nuthin..didnt get nuthin at all, nah uh aint happenin
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:38 am

Agreed. I do not see why it would be so hard for crytek to support their customers and just patch the game so everyone unlocks it regardless of playtime. Valve did this in a rather timely matter for L4D, so why can't crytek?
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