HELP WANTED for new dialogue ideas

Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:50 pm

HI, i'm working on a mod based on the world of Tron: Legacy that will add a whole new environment using many retextured vanilla assets from the game, plus resource mods and other popular mods (a few are listed below).

This WIP is using Old World Blues, MoMod, Lings Hair as master files (will be required to play) and Dimonized Type3 body. I have begun creating new textures for several MoMod monsters/robots, adding Lings Hair to new NPCs of new races, and retexturing Type3 outfits and armours. I am also retexturing the environment, indoor weather, collectibles, money, chems and more.

There are many other mods that are being used to build this mod such as daejones's Colossus Armour (FO3 version), SydneyB's Ashara Lightning Armour, Speedy Resources, Phoynix's Human Designed Blaster Guns, HauntYou's DireWolf ACA Armour (FO3), fizz99's Ghost Bodysuit, my own Tron suits with Identity Disc weapons and several more.

Needless to say a lot of work is going into putting this mod together and I have a decent knowledge on the utilities in the GECK apart from quest-making, dialogue, scripting, messages and their activators, encounter zones and similar functions. I have been in touch with successful modders who use the info i'm after and they have referred me to some helpful sites for quest-making and scripting, but I still need help with setting up dialogue. I was wondering if there was a way to use an existing NPC template and fiddling with the dialogue text to have idle chit-chat with less important NPCs, possibly giving hints to quests, places of interest or collectibles.

The mod will also have several factions and races, textured to suit each one. All NPCs will have Lings Hair and eyes as well to enhance the look of Tron.

Anyway if anyone can give any hints, tips or any dialogue related help (apart from the obvious GECK pages, I have them tutorials). I would help speed things along if I could alter existing NPCs and give them a make-over. Here are a few screens to get an idea of the mod's aesthetic.


I know it's quite a complicated requested but i'm sure there are people out there who have done similar work, hope to hear back from anyone soon, Thanks!
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Robert Devlin
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