Killing Joshua Graham

Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:30 pm

So this next time I do Honest Hearts, I intend to kill the man himself. I'm going to kill him when he confronts Salt Upon Wounds, so I can get the Helmet as well. I assume this task is going to be very difficult. I sent my Legion girl in there a few levels ago, and battled Joshua just to see if I could beat him in practice, but it would end up with him noticing me, shouting some badass [censored], pointing his gun at me, and maybe I would live until he finished his sentence. My best out of five got him to about 1/3rd his health, and that was using the Ranger Sequoia. My legion girl is now level 17 so I'm wondering if maybe this time I can beat him. Bellona's got a combat build that favors critcal hits, although her perception is not high enough to get Better Criticals. Her only skill at 100 is Guns, followed by Sneak at 79.

My loadout:
Bozar (Joshua just laughs off the damage when I tried using this)
H&H Tools Nail Gun (While it served it's purpose of injuring Graham's limbs, I think that just made him angry)
MF Hyperbreeder Alpha (My melee weapon. I doubt I'll be killing him with this)
Ranger Sequoia (The only one of my guns that managed to punch through his armor, fires much slower than his Light Shining In Darkness which was my undoing in practice)

Lucky Shades (for 10 luck)
Marked Scout Armor (Coudn't find anything better that looked Legiony, might switch to Centurion armor, if losing the Light Touch & Travel Light bonuses won't cripple me)
Slave Scarf (gotta look good for an assassination)

So any tips? I can go out and buy better stuff if have to, but I'd prefer to use the weapons I've got, if at all reasonably possible. I'm sure the actual battle will be even more difficult than practice, since I'll also have to prevent Salt-Upon-Wounds' death until after I've killed Graham.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:16 pm

I'm confused, why would you kill Graham for a helmet that already comes in the chest at the end? :unsure2:
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:46 am

I'm killing Graham because it's in character for Bellona to do so. I have to kill him at the end because that's the only time you encounter Salt-Upon-Wounds, and if you go the Chaos in Zion route you don't get the nifty chest with all the goodies in it.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:36 pm

Ohhhhhh. RP perspective, gotcha.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:14 am

Bring out the FAT MAN!

Erm, that may be a bit tricky to use in close range with people around you...cripple his legs somehow and then go for the eyes, Cutter, go for the eyes\head!
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