Few Minutes Into Oblivion Controls Stop Working

Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:01 am

Ok so this is happening on both of my computers where after maybe 5 minutes into Oblivion the controls will stop working; keyboard and mouse. The game itself is still running fine I just can't do anything so I have to Alt-Tab out and close the game through Task Manager.

I looked on the FAQ and changed the joystick command in the txt file and that didn't work.
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John Moore
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Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:55 pm

In the past, this was commonly a sign of having too many codecs. Oblivion and pretty much all bethesda games are picky about codecs. Might want to give K-Lite's Codec Pack a shot as that was commonly used to fix this issue in the past:


Oh and this was mentioned in the FAQ as well. :)
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Chris BEvan
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