Now, however - I'm a bit undecided. On the one hand - it feels like having a Breton mage (well, inasmuch as you could call him 'mage' with Skyrim's leveling system) would be the more obvious and self-explanatory choice. Looking at the race portraits, they also don't look half bad this time round, and.. seems like their stat bonuses are well-suited for a magickal character. On the other hand, Argonians are a pretty cool folk (at least going by their portrayal from the novels), they look absolutely stunning in Skyim, it seems, and the fact that they overran Morrowind and forced the Dunmer to flee to Skyrim - well, I feel there might be nice conflict appearing in the game - and that Argonians will not be cast in the sub-class role (as opposed to, say, Oblivion, where both Argonians and Khajiit were pretty much bottom-rung vermin). Then again - not sure if the non-magickal initial stat spread of the lizardfolk will allow for an enjoyable mage play... And plain & simple, I'm just not used to playing as one of the beastraces.. Feels kinda odd. (to clarify - I tend to superimpose myself on my character - I don't necessarily roleplay a 'non-me' character as you would in d'n'd, I rather immerse an alter-ego of myself in the world - and ofc it's easier to do that through a Breton than through an Argonian).
Bottom line, I don't really know. Bretons seem the safer, more miable choice, whereas Argonians just plain look and seem cool and might offer a bit more spice to the playthrough.
// additional note - Altmer are, alas, out of the picture, as their ... appearance... is something I don't wish to sport on my character. Myeah, vain and silly, but there it is.