To Fast Travel, Or Not To Fast Travel

Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:58 am

In my last game of Oblivion I had a mod (well it was an OBSE dll, not an esp) that stopped all fast travel, and it greatly enhanced my experience (I had another mod which allowed fast travel through paying for the service, so guess it wasn't completely gone).
However I never ever want something like that for Fallout, mainly because, I think, to get to certain placed you have to go the same was over and over again, which is boring.

How much I use it depends on how the game is. Often I just find myself going "Can't be bothered fighting my way back to sell loot" -click "Hello shops!"

Sometimes its more of a chore not to fast travel
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:22 am

From what ive seen in the videos fast travelling would be to miss out on the beautiful landscape

Once you've walked the route between the Imperial City Market and the waterfront a dozen times, the "beautiful landscape" starts to seem quite repetitive. I'd much rather use FT between all the places I've been a million times (like, oh, the walk from Azura's Shrine to the vampire cave), so that I have more time for actually exploring new places with beautiful landscapes I haven't memorized already. :)

Like I said earlier, I love FT - it greatly enhances my ability to explore.

(Also, I'm going to play, if Oblivion and FO3 are anything to go by, hundreds of hours across multiple characters. I've no need to artificially pad out the playtime on any specific character by spending 50% more time walking back and forth everywhere. :shrug:)
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