Stormcloaks Vs. Imperials

Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:21 pm

That makes no sense why would the Empire help the Dominion which hates all Men (new flash Imperials are Men not Elves).

The Altmer are destroying man's domain from within their own empire. It's easier than waging a war.

What? Stormcloaks are just in this for the Nords. The Imperium is the greatest beacon of hope for all the races, not just some of them. The Empire may not be perfect but its better option than the Stormcloaks. The rebels are just whiney prats.

The Empire only wants to expand, conquer, and assimilate. The Stormcloaks may not like elves, but they will need us in order to defeat the Empire. For the Dunmer-Nord Alliance!
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:56 am

I won't know until I play the game. I may end up supporting neither. I support the stability of the Empire, because I see a united continent and later planet interested in the well being of all the natural evolution of an intelligent civilization. That said, some of the information, listed in the spoiler below, gives me pause.

There is talking about walking in on a public execution in Solitude. Such things are evil, no matter the reason they are done, so if the Empire is like that and the Stormcloaks aren't I will support the Stormcloaks. If both are like that, I wouldn't want to support either.

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Richus Dude
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:28 pm

That is what I'm going to call propoganda put forth by the Empire. They're going to say it was murder, while the rebels say it was a fair dual. We may never know exactly how it went down, but obviously each side is going to put forth it's best case to either slander the other side/and or build up it's own honorable reputation.

Agreed, which is why my character does not really feel for politics anyways!
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Post » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:53 am

The Altmer are destroying man's domain from within their own empire. It's easier than waging a war.

The Empire only wants to expand, conquer, and assimilate. The Stormcloaks may not like elves, but they will need us in order to defeat the Empire. For the Dunmer-Nord Alliance!

What do you think the Nords will do with you after they win? They'll start/keep treating you like second class citizens.
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Lily Evans
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Post » Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:10 am

For my first character:
If the choice is presented neither
Both are meh

For my second:
Legion is bad

The legion will probably be on top when I finish my characters.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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