unable to find referenced object in script

Post » Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:40 am

I'm in the middle of building a mod, and I get a script error I can't seem to understand. The script TES CS doesn't give me any errors or messages at all, but when I load a game (or start a new one), I get
'Can't find referenced object "Thaz_jailwall_move1" in script "Thaz_Jail_Leverscript".'
The script is intended to move "Thaz_jailwall_move1" and "Thaz_jailwall_move2" 384 units west. I don't really know if you need the whole script or not, but I'll pop out the lines that seems to be bugging out:
if ( Moving == 1 )	set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed	if ( Timer < 10 )		"Thaz_jailwall_move1"->MoveWorld, X, -38.4		"Thaz_jailwall_move2"->MoveWorld, X, -38.4	elseif ( Timer >= 10 )		set Moving to 2	endifendif

I've tried putting the actual movement in a similar script attached to the walls themselves, and starting the movement with 'set "Thaz_jailwall_move1".Moving to 1', but I still got the same error. I could, however, punch the same line through the console, and everything would work just fine. I've also tried moving commas, spaces and quotes around, and renaming everything back and forth. No success anywhere. It seems to me like the game can't find the referenced objects while loading, although they are clearly findable in the CS and in the game.

I have, of course, tried googling it. But the only solution I can find to "unable to find object in script" is "disable all other mods". Which still doesnt't change a thing. If you need any other information, just say so. I'm pretty new at this, in the sense that I'm still learning how stuff work by messing around with it.
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renee Duhamel
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