Look at the new guard http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/120/1200474/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-20111014041710418.jpg.
Notice that pixelated brown mess on the tiles? That is exactly what happens to the ground in Fallout 3 (and NV) when Anisotropic Filtering is not turned on, when I run those games on my Geforce GTX460!!!!!!!!. So....PC screenshot, or not?
I see jaggies both here and there, and then the resolution is a bit low for being a PC screenshot. I'd say this is just another 360 screenshot. Amazing how good they can make it look on consoles though.
Those jaggies on the tile are fallen leaves from the trees. Looks odd from the side view we get but consoles were never that great with transparencies anyways.
Hope that's not PC shadows are off and its aa is barely noticeable the draw distance is also short, (no foliage behind the tower) if thats the best beth can do then Risen 2 Here i come created by the only Dev that can make RPGs like and somewhat better then TES
Hope that's not PC shadows are off and its aa is barely noticeable the draw distance is also short, (no foliage behind the tower) if thats the best beth can do then Risen 2 Here i come created by the only Dev that can make RPGs like and somewhat better then TES