» Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:54 pm
To be honest, I was never very impressed with the werewolves in Bloodmoon to start with, so I'm not too fussed by this news.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of werewolves, but the solitary bipedal monster using swipes of massively clawed hands seems rather clunky and a little old-fashioned to me. I'd love it if they could do something more inventive. Perhaps werewolves that are true wolf shape, use a bite attack only, and rely on numbers rather than individual strength - so that they'd introduce a whole new playstyle of leading a small pack rather than mostly fighting solo.
I wonder if a control system could be put in place to allow simple 'flank', 'chase', 'back off' commands to be issued? It'd be tricky, but might be fun.