"The body's fall called my attention to the port below, property of the East Empire Company. A galleon lay in port, presumably replete with treasure, but wary of an impromptu sea voyage a la Oblivion's Bloated Float escapade I stuck to the high ground."
The http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:East_Empire_Company was big business back in Morrowind, surprisingly surviving both the collapse of its Raven Rock colony on Solstheim and the total devastation of Vvardenfell to appear in Skyrim. Will they be a mining faction - they held a monopoly on ebony in Morrowind - to compliment smithing? With they return to their colonistic ways and play a part in the civil war? Will you work for them, exploit them, or wipe them out?
Personally I thought their quest (and infighting) was an interesting addition to Bloodmoon. Interested to see how the past 200 years have treated them.