Uvirith's Legacy Bug List

Post » Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:52 am

For those of you who do not know, Gaius Atrius is planning on putting together a patch for Uvirith's Legacy. Although I've detected and forwarded to him a lot of the bugs I've discovered through my play-throughs of the mod, there may be some that I have missed. Anyways, in order to help him out, I wanted to put together a comprehensive list of bugs that people have found. I have posted the bugs I have discovered below. Many of these bugs I have come up with quick fixes for using the console/minor edits to the mod, and if you PM me I will be happy to tell you how I fixed them.

Before you post another bug here, please be sure that the mod is the cause. This means checking your load order for possible conflicts, having the most recent version, not playing through the game using the console to change cells (which can bug out scripts), etc.

The List:

Problem: If you become a vampire AFTER you make Gavyn into a vampire, and talk to him, it creates an infinite dialogue loop.
Solution: If you look at the conversation chain for this (which I think is listed under "Greetings 5") for Gavyn in the CS, the choice response (NOT the initial greeting) has a filter for the VampApprentice Journal Chain =5. It shouldn't be 5, but 50. Changing this should solve the problem.

Problem: Galathri Nemis (ancient lord uvirith)'s helm does not give you the ability it is supposed to
Solution: This is actually an engine bug. If you drop the helm on the ground, pick it up and then try to put it on, the script on the helm should work as intended. This isn't really a "bug" per se, but an engine limitation.

Problem: When you remove the same helm, the power it grants you is NOT removed (which is supposed to happen)
Solution: My scripting knowledge is not extensive enough to figure out why this happens. If anyone has figured it out, please post the solution here.

Problem: Sara's mini Azura Shrine does not appear after you complete her quest.
Solution: First, make sure you have sent Sara back home, gone to talk to her back at her sanctuary, and then left the cell by walking OUT the door (not using recall, teleport ring, etc.). This script uses the cell changed function, which can bug out if you do some of these things. After waiting a few days and walking into the sanctuary, if the cell does not appear, then the function is bugged out. I solved this for myself by going into the script attached to the shrine and the items and removing the functions in the script so that the shrine enables (instantly) after you get the requisite journal entry (still need to change cells and walk back in though). It may be a tad unrealistic, but at least the shrine gets built. Not sure how else to fix the script.

Problem: Zariphel's floating gardens never get built.
Solution: Although I am not 100% sure, this appears to be a problem with the last Zariphel Construction timer script, which makes itself end at stage 6 instead of stage 7 (the final stage). For a quick fix, once you feel like you've waited long enough for the gardens to get built, leave the mine completely, open the console and type "Set zariphel_construction to 7" (not including the quotes). That should complete construction. So far, it does not appear that this workaround causes any bugs.

Problem: Book sorter appears to create infinite copies of "Complete Poison Song" or other "complete" collections when you turn in more books to the librarian
Solution: I don't know. I have very little scripting knowledge and the book sorter script looks completely incomprehensible to me. Gaius says he figured out what the problem is though.

Problem: When you successfully recapture a runaway slave by calming him and telling him to follow, his "flee" rating remains at 100 when you tell him to stop following you. This effectively prevents you from successfully recapturing the slaves.
Solution: beyond my knowledge

Problem: When you close the display cases, they repeat their opening and closing animation.
Solution: Some people have this bug and some haven't, which makes me think that it's a system problem. Someone was kind enough to send me replacement scripts to fix the problem and it worked for me, so if you're having this problem, PM me.

Problem: I sent Sara to the sanctuary, but she disappeared and her ring doesn't work!!
Solution: Sara has not actually disappeared, but fallen into the water below in Craough's sanctuary. Cast detect life, dive down, find her, tell her to follow and lead her back up. Only way to fix the problem permanently may be involve fixing her wander pathing (beyond my knowledge).

Problem: Sometimes when I leave Uvirith's tomb or the high-security prison, the teleport ban doesn't get removed.
Solution: Open the console and type "sv." One of the global is something like "uvi_teleportban" or something to that effect. Set that to 0 and it should fix the problem. A more permanent fix for this is beyond my knowledge.

Problem: When I tell my steward to order more supplies, the game crashes
Solution: This has only happen when I've brought a companion into the room with me when I've ordered more supplies. Leave your companions outside the room and it shouldn't happen.

Problem: It's impossible to teach Gavyn a "dispel" spell
Solution: No idea how to fix this.

Problem: When I spent a lot of money one one enchantment (for me it's happened when I spend 50,000+ gold) the enchantment tome bugs out and won't let me use it anymore.
Solution: Abot was kind enough to come up with a script that has fixed this problem. It should be in a post I've started elsewhere in this forum.

Problem: I was traveling with my companion and heard a teleport noise, and my companion's now a shadow!!
Solution: This is because you're changing cells to fast with a companion in tow, and the teleport/companion script can't keep up. Don't use high-speed levitate or Fortify Speed/Athletics with one of the Uvirith's Legacy companions in tow. No idea how to get a more permanent fix to this problem.
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Nick Pryce
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