[RELz] Morrowind Rebirth 1.3

Post » Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:42 am

Morrowind Rebirth v 1.3

For previous changes, screens etc, check the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1228174-rel-morrowind-rebirth-12/

Happy news boys and girls, here's the new 1.3 version for Morrowind Rebirth! Enjoy the new additions.

New/improved areas

* New Ghostgate.
* Reworked Suran.
* A new layout for Dren Plantation, now it actually looks like a plantation.

General Fixes

* Fixed all reported issues.
* Imperial Newtscale Cuirass now counts as a legion uniform.
* Redoran Guards (female), will now greet you properly.
* Lowered the chance to find pearls to 20 % (used to be 50 %).
* Player made potions are now 50 % less valueable.
* You'll now take damage if standing in a fire or really close to it.
* Redoran Guards now wear a Redoran Shield & Katana. (Xeth-Ban who initially came up with this)
* Encounter the fearsome lich in Vvardenfells' Tombs.
* Hundreds of doors, chests, desks etc have been locked in order to make it harder for the player to gain access to valuable items.
* Fixed a huge number of floaters (500 +)

New ingredient

* Guar Meat

New Books/notes

* Old Journal
* Sorkvild the Raven's Journal (2 Volumes)

Thx to Simon Griffiths!

New Weapons

* New unique meshes/textures for a few weapons (artifacts), from Saint_Jiubs' Unique Uniques resource pack (only for weapons which haven't been replaced in the past). Sadly there's isnt any new icons, but there will be in the future.

* 2 new artifacts (shield & 2-handed sword, I won't tell u more :P)

And much more..


See a few more here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth

Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/p0wdcm

Next version

* New tavern outside Khuul (Six Daggers)
* New alchemist in Pelagiad
* New Sewer in Balmora
* New Caldera Mine
* New music
* New books
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:27 am

Looks good :)
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Chloe :)
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Post » Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:20 pm

Looks good :)

Thanks, hope you'll try it :)
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Carolyne Bolt
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