Sneaking Detection Recalibrated (SDR) - brief description:
This mod completely rewrites how sneaking/detection works. Complete details are on the main file site (see link above).
A brief list of the main features* are as follows:
- Takes into account the light falling on the detector as well as the player
- The player's sneak skill is not modified in any way
- All penalties / bonuses are calculated separately for each detector-player relationship
- hardcoe settings override all the default oblivion Sneak Mastery perks, and are replaced with new rules and adjustments.
- Having a lit torch can cancel out any current or cast invisibility spell effects on the player.
- Silence spells cast on the player will nullify sound penalties
- Extended sneak attack bonuses up through Master Sneak.
- Everything you have equipped impacts your sound penalties, not just boots.
- Equipped gear takes into account, clothing, light armor, heavy armor, and weapon (if drawn).
- Equipped gear penalties apply to player and NPCs.
- Sneak Skill-up bonuses for undetected assassinations
- Takes into account peripheral vision angles.
- Sneaking NPCs become transparent if not invisible.
- Chameleon refraction effects replaced with transparency.
More features, download links, installation instructions, .ini user guide, and much much more are now all available through the http://www.saebel.net/sdr.php!
For those upgrading from pre-3.x.x versions of SDR, AV Uncapper is no longer required, but still recommended.

Rules for general inquiries:
If you are asking about how SDR works, read the http://www.saebel.net/sdrGuide.php. It goes into great detail. If you still have questions, I am happy to answer them to the best of my ability, when I have time.
Rules for feature requests:
If you are requesting a new feature, feel free to do so. If I like it, I'll try to include it in the next version, but I won't guarantee that I will. If the idea doesn't flow with my overall concept, or I'm just not able to at a technical level, or I just don't have time, then it may not happen. Please respect that.
Rules for bug reports:
If there is a problem, it is most likely one of three things:
- The new SDR OBSE plug-in is not installed correctly
- Another mod is conflicting with one or more setting (usually disabling a setting in either of the mods will solve the problem)
- There really is a problem with SDR (you must have tested SDR on its own with no other mods installed to claim this)
To properly trouble shoot an issue:
> Read the documentation thoroughly first. I spent a lot of time on it, and it will most like answer your question, or provide a method to solve your problem.
> If there is a conflict with another mod or some other weird behavior, you may only need to change a setting in the .ini. Again, read the .ini and documentation files, and you will most likely figure out which settings to change.
> Search this thread to see if the issue has already been reported and solved.
> If you still haven't solved the problem, I am more than happy to help. Please include the following information in your post:
- A brief description of the issue
- Which versions of SDR and OBSE you are using.
- A detailed description of the issue
- Your load order
- Links to videos or images that might show more detail on the problem (if applicable/possible)
I cannot guarantee that I will be able to make SDR compatible with every mod. And as mentioned before, usually a tweak in the .ini settings will solve the issue.
If you discover an issue and resolve it, please post the issue and the solution in this thread so that others may find it.
SUPPORT NOTE: I am no longer supporting SDR on the Planet Elderscrolls web-site.