Some of you folks get spoiled and too used to the newer graphics, and the expectation of having WASD at your disposal all the time.

Sure, the gesture-based combat does take a little getting used to, but it's alright. As for the imps in Privateer's Hold... Either avoid them, or get used to saving before them. A few things to take into consideration:
- Daggerfall has a spell-timing glitch: you can literally cast in milliseconds... And so can monsters. This means they'll dump their entire store of magicka on you as soon as they get into range. This can oten be fatal.
- You COULD make a character with the "absorbs spells" ability. While very expensive, (the only pre-made character that has it is the Sorcerer, which balances it with the "inability to regen magicka" trait) it makes dealing with enemy spellcasters a lot easier.
As mentioned before, new players to the game should ALWAYS opt to start with the ebony dagger; it is a vastly better weapon than you'll be able to get for quite a ways into the game: it'll affect every monster you ever meet, is fast, inexpensive to repair, and does quite good damage.
Only stray away from taking the ebony dagger once you're experienced at the game and ready for a real challenge. (those of you used to "Easy-mode"
Oblivion or even
Morrowind will find
Daggerfall very, very hard; this was before Todd Howard's "let the player always win" philosophy came on board) I myself tend to just take the money or a book, as I usually play "pure mages," and forbid myself from equipping any weapons or attacking. Yes, it's quite possible, but no, it's not easy in the slightest.
As for the interface in general, it isn't the best... But then again, I feel that it's honestly, at worse, on a par with the PC interface for
Oblivion. (and
Skyrim, apparently)