Correct. Do I really have to explain it again? "Cutting edge tech" means virtually nothing when it comes to visuals. What DOES matter is how the technology that the developers choose to use is utilized. I've seen games with modest requirements put games that require "cutting edge tech" to shame when it comes to visuals.
I'm not "putting down" anyone or anything. I'm merely stating a fact.
EDIT: Whoops, misread that. Yes and no. I'm saying that the core of the issue should be what looks the most visually impressive, which is a subject that's largely subjective in nature.
I actually laughed out loud. Take a few deep breaths and come back to this when you're calm.
Lets simplify this, one easy to understand statement:
You think Skyrim looks better in 2011 compared to other 2011 titles than Oblivion looked in 2006 compared to other 2006 titles. That is effectively what you're saying isn't it? Then you have the cheek to tell me I'm wrong in questioning your argument, and that I'm considering a game like vanilla Oblivion through rose tinted glasses? I am not a fan of what Bethesda did with Oblivion, but that's another matter.
If this is simply your opinion then fine, you're welcome to it. But don't start trying to persuade people that Skyrim is a cutting edge game in 2011 when any game designer will tell you straight, that it COULD have looked far better.
Oblivion was designed for 2 consoles that were still in their infancy and PC's that at the time were not much more powerful than those two consoles. 5 years later those consoles haven't changed, yet Skyrim still runs quite well on them. That's 5 whole years of technological advances, a huge amount of time in this industry. Sacrifices were made with Skyrim's graphics to make it run on these comparitively ancient consoles. If you think otherwise, you're blinkered beyond belief.