I am trying to do something that I thought would be very simple in Blender. Maybe it is. I'm trying to take a wheel from the "guar cart" model, and make it into a separate model file. I've just about got it sorted, but I've got some strange node (or at least, I've heard them called nodes) off to one side, like http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/dragon_trident/Morrowind/Blender.png.
The original model consisted of 2 parts; the actual model as we all know it, and some transparent box which I presume to be some kind of collision box. This stray node is part of this "collision" object, the wheel of which I kept.
Basically, I wondered if someone could explain to me all these things that I clearly don't understand, like what are these nodes, and was that box indeed there for collision purposes? In which case, should I keep a collision "cylinder" around the wheel, or just get rid of it? What can I do about this node?
EDIT: It still has a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/dragon_trident/Morrowind/Blender2.png in the CS, like the cart did; how can I make that box so that it fits the wheel?
- Danjb