Hi, I am kinda new to Morrowind and have not really gotten into it seeing as I cannot decide wich class to be.
I searched around but could not find what I was looking for so I'll post my thoughts here.
Is playing as a stealthy character too hard for newbs?
I haven't found a stealth character to be particularly hard. It might not be as straightforward as a warrior build, but can be much more fun to play.
If so I'll probably go for an Atronach born Nord Battlemage,
Nord and anything to do with magic is a bad idea. No bonuses to anything magic-related, poor starting intelligence.
but if it is not then I'd like an opinion on this build:
Race: Khajiit, Bosmer or Dunmer
Birthsign: Atronach
Class: Custom:
Spec: Stealth.
Attributes: Intelligence and Agility.
Major: Sneak, Short Blade/Spear, Illusion, Destruction and Light Armour.
Minor: Security, Unarmoured (if Khajiit), Restoration, Armourer/Enchant, Mysticism/Alteration (both if not Khajiit).
Also, I tend to roleplay a bit so I do not want to be all hybrid and such.
For a stealthy magic-user (like a Nightblade) I'd suggest Dunmer or Argonian. Bosmer and Khajiit are purely stealth races, while Dunmer and Argonians have a nice mix of magical and stealthy traits.
I'd suggest having Luck among the favorite attributes. A ten-point boost to it is significant, especially because Luck is the hardest attribute to improve.
Your Majors are pretty good. Weapon class is a matter of taste of course. Argonians have a +5 bonus to Spear, whereas Dunmer have +10 to Short blade. Spears are better if you want to keep your distance and avoid getting hit (which is a pretty good idea for a stealth build, them being quite flimsy). They'd also be your only way of improving Endurance, since you have neither Medium or Heavy armor. Short Blades are better for close up and personal, though.
Scrap Destruction, though. You'll need your magicka for other things. Get Marksman instead.
I'd suggest switching Unarmored for the other weapon skills. Makes little sense to have two armor skills.
Hope I've been able to help.

Edit: Damnit, ninja'd.