I thought about adding a timer so that the player can have a few seconds to read the message and close it before the menu pops up, but I haven't had much luck with it. Using Thomas Kaira's example, here is what I have.
Scn ChestScriptbegin onActivate if STQuest001.bypass == 0 && GetStage STQuest001 < 10 && player.GetAV Security >= 30 && STQuest001.ChestActivate == 0 ;HIGH SECURITY NO KEY Messagebox "I bypassed the trap." set STQuest001.ChestActivate to 1 set STQuest001.timer to 1 endifendbegin gameMode if STQuest001.timer > 0 set STQuest001.timer to STQuest001.timer - getsecondspassed elseif STQuest001.ChestActivate == 1 && timer <= 0 stSeranChest.Lock 30 stSeranChest.Activate endifend
What is odd is if I set it to "set STQuest001.timer to 1", I click on the chest and get the message. The timer goes to 0.0150 but stops counting down. I set it to five and it started counting down but stop at 0.80. For some reason the timer wont go to zero. Thanks for any help.