I have attempted using a persistent reference in the form of a scripted activator to store variables. I use a target spell to get the reference to a creature, and set a reference variable on the persistent object to that reference.
Moving this persistent activator's reference variable to a holding cell seems to work just fine to teleport the correct creature to that cell.
However, when I attempt to move that reference back to the player using MoveTo on the persistent activator's reference it fails, or rather it ignores what I set the reference variable to on my persistent ref and moves the player to the player instead.
I am uncertain how these spawned references are handled. Do they get a new temporary reference assigned every time they change cells? Are they destroyed in three days no matter what?
Is there any way to move a spawned reference to another cell, and later move it back to the player again?
Also, are variables set on a persistent ref stored in a save file, or only globals?