Corrupt ESP ? - TesCs turns itself off while loading
Big Problem: I worked for about a week on my own mod (ca. 3.5 Mb !). I am quite new to modding and scripting and was
very proud about the result. I only wanted to do a little fine tuning and then ...
this morning it worked and I tested something and afterword I was back in the TesCs and then I could load the esm,
but not my esp any more. In trying to load my own esp tescs turns itself off and i am on the desktop again. It says
"Programme-Error", "couldn't read in memory" or somewhat like that ...
Is there any way to rescue my opulent own cell ? - Help, pls ! It was so much work ...
Damn, why I didn't made a backup *argh* ...
:brokencomputer: EDIT 1: okay, I tried a little ... I am able to open my esp file in the wordpad. It looks like other esp, too.
Seems all to be fine. But we know it isn't. I don't understand, what's wrong with it ...
:brokencomputer: EDIT 2: hm, there seems to be some crap of unknown origin in it, hm, if I would knew more about it, I would generate an empty esp and copy the wholy s-hit (hey, thats completely biological and compostable - all natural and not to be censored ...

:brokencomputer: EDIT 3: Well, it won't be that easy - the wordpad shows more than it copy-inserts ...
:brokencomputer: EDIT 4: Hm, I am able to open it with Tes4Edit

:brokencomputer: EDIT 5: I am completely incompetent to use this Tes4Edit ... but it's absolutely strange, that my esp is able to be opened in it ... more strangely it seems to work in the game ... I just disabled the teleport in trying something, but a spell belonging to my esp still finds his way to the spellbook of my hero. Nevertheless TesCs won't work on my esp any more ... *grrr*