Could you list all mods which makes Oblivion more like Skyrim. I mean chain lightning spells, frost spells shouts, mods which can delete lower level spells, swords like in Skyrim.
I haven't met in Oblivion any Fire/frost/storm atronach. Is there any mod which replaces rats, wolfs with atronachs?
You need to level up to meet atronachs. Try some Oblivion gates at higher levels.
You can delete spells through Wrye Bash, and COBL. There are frost spells in Oblivion already. Nt sure what you mean, as I haven't played Skyrim. There are a TON of mods that add new weapons. Just do a nexus search and prepare to be overwhelmed...
And frankly, shouts and other specific features should be left to Skyrim
And also, Symphony of Violence that changes combat related sounds, ranging from the sheathing sound of your sword to your axe slashing another person. I haven't played Skyrim, but the sound of my weapon slashing another enemy with this mod reminds me of what I heard from all those Skyrim videos I've been watching.