Welcome to the new Skyrim community poll! These questions all come up fairly often so we’ve decide to make a pinned thread to cover them.
Having this poll does not mean that threads discussing these topics aren’t allowed, but other polls that duplicate these questions will be locked. If someone does post a redundant poll please be courteous, point them in the direction of this thread, and report it. If you feel you have a poll that is similar, but different enough to warrant posting, please PM a moderator and ask rather than posting it and hoping we won’t lock it.
You may also be interested in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1105300-community-poll/, which covers other frequent topics like age and where people are from.
This thread is not for discussing these topics, and posting in here may result in an official warning. If you wish to discuss the poll itself you may use http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1252693-new-skyrim-community-poll/.