anyway, that may not have anything to do w/ it other than timing. what i REALLY think did it is 2 times now, STEAM has totally and w/o permission from me, reinstalled the whole game. i didn't think it caused any harm. i did notice that it changed the name and function of a couple mod added items but that's it. everything seemed the same...except now this hotkey thing. the 1st time i had done nothing, and after the reinstall, hotkeys were fine. the 2nd i was mucking around in the meshes/_male folder trying to change weapon anims, and i noticed it was reinstalling. took 2 hours lol. i know it's not anything i did in that file tho since i can remove _male altogether and hotkeys are still borked. this may be a game ender since the holster/draw thing often crashes game. why only modded weapons?!
could it be because i was messing w/ game files when that last reinstall occured? if so i i'd try to initiate another reinstall, but don't know how. how do i make STEAM reinstall like it did before? is there something in the ini i might change to fix the hotkeys? any info appreciated!!