Completely Unplayable.....

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:17 pm

I have my fair share of new vegas freezes but has continually gotten worse the farther I have got into the game. I am now at a point where I cannot do anything.... Open pip boy, freeze. Choose a weapon, freeze. Tried reloading game data, loading old saves, etc. Exact same thing. So frustrating that all this time has been spent and to be halted to a stand still. I know everyone on here is saying the exact same thing but have not seen anyone posting a problem exactly like mine. I have deleted old saves as well and no luck either way.....

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:09 pm

After dropping all weapons from inventory and readding them I have fixed the pip boy/weapon select freezing problem.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:00 pm

It will only get worse, you game will start to cripple down to a freeze the further you advance in the game, specially around "big" areas like Mcarran, The Strip, Red Rock Canyon, The Dam, etc...
And apparently there are no plans to fix this...
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:30 am

I've heard this problem can be related to the number of savefiles you have, and the farther you get into the game, the more saves you accumulate, and the worse it gets. Try cleaning out some of those useless old saves, maybe, and see if it gets better?
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:03 pm

That doesn't even make sense as a reason for in-game stability issues, I'm sorry.


I seriously just spent an hour trying to go back to the Lucky 38 to pick up ED-E and look around Searchlight before heading to the Divide. Got to ED-E, got him and Boone in group, Rex goes NUTS all of a sudden and kills Cass, I have to give Rex the ol' Yeller treatment and then reload an earlier save. Frame rate immediately jams up to the tune of one frame every ten seconds, it takes me seriously 5 attempts at timing how long to hold the button to pull up my PipBoy map to fast travel out of the area, and immediately travel into another lock up.

FIX THE GAME. I don't care how done you think you are with New Vegas, it's broken and broken stuff gets fixed.

I'm one of those dudes that bought your Collector's Edition. I bought your DLC. All of them. Even the GRA and Courier's Stash. I bought it all. FIX THE GAME YOU SOLD ME.
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