So after playing a character with no followers I really started to question the necessity and usefulness of companions in FO:NV (Vanilla, not talking about DLC). Anyway, my experience is that for new players they're useful and also for the perks and for carrying equipment, besides those though I don't see it. First off they tend to run into combat, even when they're set on passive, and get themselves killed. I can't even take them anywhere near Deathclaws as they enjoy running into packs of them. Second, they always get the kills before me. I know most people wouldn't see that as a bad thing, but I do, I see them as support (Unless your build is designed to use them for offense) and backup if I need it, not sniping all the enemies before I can switch weapons. The reasons I kill enemies is to get better guns to kill people more efficiently, not to have you taking all my glory. Third, and probably my biggest one, they must be dismissed before going into DLC. This makes sense, my only problem is that all my equipment is in The Sink, and I need to teleport there to refill every once and awhile. So basically every time I want to restock and what not I have to dismiss them both, travel to the Big Empty, travel back, go to the Lucky 38, and recruit them again. More then anything its an annoying hassle. And last, they like to attract bugs and get stuck odd places which require reloading or in some cases you need to spend hours freeing them. This has happened to me quite a few times using Boone in various places, and its really annoying. Then comes the bugs where you can lose the gun you give him if you go into a casino, and other similar things, I forget alot so that'd really svck for me.
Anyway, what was the point in that little rant/poll? Basically I just really can't decide if using Boone and Ed-e on my character are worth it...