Using the VanGraffs as an idea for quest givers was great, but it really went downhill from there. From the 1st cheesy interaction of "showing how badass" they are, when they shoot one of their prospective clients. [censored]. Not even in the Fallout world would anyone choose to do business with you once you've just murdered their buddy....speaking of which...
Killing Cass. Seriously? WTF! The pay for this too is incredibly, horribly weak. Only 350 [censored] caps, vs one of the best perks in the game?? For letting an NPC outright murder your companion, it should have been more like 35,000! I also hate how heavily armed & armored every single guard here is, not to mention them being a crack shot w/ their energy weapons. Honestly, the NCR never would have allowed the VanGraffs to stay here in Freeside. They would have raided the Silver Rush long ago, shot them or seized all of their property, and then added it to the NCR stockpiles to fight the Legion. It's horrible how the game essentially tricks you into Jean-Baptiste wanting to "talk" to Cass. Why is there no dialogue between them at all?? A simple comment from Cass like, "Oh, [censored] off Jean, I'm not in the caravan business anymore, Courier here got me to sell it to the Crimson Caravan." Could have ended any hostilities he had for her. I'm just saddened that the same kind of dialogue that inspired this game like from Fallout 2 wasn't at all present here.
Lastly, the warehouse. What a total trash, garbage ending. They betray the Legion, and...that's it? There had better be some quest later on where you can join up with the Legion to get revenge on the VanGraffs for their betrayal. You don't just go and murder an entire squad and expect an entire Slaver Nation to turn the other cheek. Also of special mention: you, as the player don't have to do anything at all to pass this mission. Literally, all I did just now was sit, shoot the unconscious Legion members, and go and loot the bodies of the fallen NPC's. I didn't even have to shoot anyone, I could have just sat here and waited for all of the billion NPC allies you have to finish them all off. This is really, really terrible Bethesda, and it makes me not want to support you guys in the future with purchasing games.
I don't know if it was Bethesda, or Obsidian who did this quest chain, but I'm sorry to say you both really let me down for your involvement. I'll continue to go and have a love/hate relationship with this game, now. (Love certain aspects, but I keep finding more things I hate as I go along...)