And you simply can't compare the depth and personality of the New Vegas factions to that of the Skyrim factions. The Stormcloaks have a right to their religion, but they're racists. That's literally the entire depth of the faction in one sentence.
If that's actually what you think, then you ether haven't been paying attention or you've missed something massive.
(Minor spoiler follows)
Specifically, that the Stormcloaks don't just have a right to their religion - the Stormcloaks are
right. It's not a situation where people have a right to a
belief. That god IS
There is a lot more going on there, things that (because TES is a fantasy game) can't be compared to the issues in Fallout (which is rooted in real world).
Meanwhile this forum has had dozens of heated debates between the NCR and Legion, discussing philosophical points such as "do the ends justify the means? (Legion)," the morality (or lack thereof) of the Legion's style of slavery, the price of freedom, whether crimes through negligence are as bad as intentional crimes, the meaning and impact of corruption, etc etc etc.
Skyrim has only been out a week. Give it time, and you'll see the same.
There are no discussion points to be found within Skyrim; you walk into Ulfric's castle, hear a speech from him and the military commander that basically says "we're racist and power-hungry but we've got some good reasons for starting this war" and then that was that. That was ALL you will see from the lore; there will be no further discussion of their characteristics and your support of them won't change how successful, effective or happy the communities are.
If you actually think that then I KNOW you're not paying attention.
*Massive Skyrim SPOILER*
Spoiler If the Aldmeri Dominion get their way the want to kill a god
To me, a good RPG should have interesting, in-depth characters to expand off of and plenty of choices available for the player to help make each player character unique.
There are plenty of choices in Skyrim... just not a lot of immediate consequences.
But this is a dichotomy that has long existed in cRPGs/wRPGs. Some RPGs have choices and consequences (like Fallout 1) and some are 'epics' with a larger story, but reduced player agency (Baldur's Gate 1/2).
One isn't more valid than the other.
I mean, to make the argument of my disappointment with Skyrim short and sweet....remember the release of Honest Hearts? How disappointed we were that there wasn't a pro-Legion playthrough of it? I mean, technically there was, but that path cut the DLC incredibly short. We complained, and Sawyer answered and said he was sorry, but he just couldn't find a way to realistically provide the character with motivation to support the White Legs (considering their culture), kill those who saved him and have a sure-fire plan to make it back to the Mojave. Fine, but we were still upset.
Now compare that to Skyrim. What if I'm not a Nord or an Imperial? Hell, what if I'm a High Elf? Where's my option? With ~8 potential options on the table, it's pretty disappointing that they only focused on two.
Well, does your elf agree with the goals of the ELVEN Aldmeri Dominion that the Imperials are supporting, or not?
Or what if I make a mage? Have you tried a mage yet? Pretty lackluster.
That's just a confused statement. Why wouldn't a mage join one of the two sides?
Fallout 3 had an issue where it only provided support and activities for a Brotherhood of Steel member and nothing but. You COULD play the bad guy, but supporting the Enclave or anyone else made your character come off as a total psychopath. Skyrim suffers from the same tunnel-vision, only providing support for a human warrior.
I don't agree. I'm an elven assassin, and I think there is plenty of motivation for the path I'm traveling.
Don't get me wrong, of course Skyrim is a fun game with plenty to do, but I definitely think it's not a very good RPG. More action-adventure by far, imo. Or at least, New Vegas beats the snot out of Skyrim RPG-wise SO bad that I've simply become accustomed to New Vegas now and can't settle for less.
As an RPG I agree that New Vegas has an edge. Both in character building and in choices and consequences.
But again, Skyrim is a different kind of RPG. It has a different focus. As a rule, in Vegas you roleplay by choosing what outcome you want in a quest. In Skyrim you roleplay but choosing which quests you do.