The best equip for unarmed player

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:56 pm

I start an unarmed character in hardcoe mode, and my best equip is Love and Hate. I choose dont use armor, only a vest that give me +1End +1 agi, and Hockey Mask. I think is very strange an unarmed character use armor.
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neil slattery
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:16 pm

Could use a power fist or a variant with some PA or RA ?

I mostly stick to melee with this armour but your could try: Joshua Grahams Armour, Lucky Shades, 1st Recon Beret.
It doesn't directly affect unarmed but its a Crit Chance booster and that comes in as a life saver sometimes.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:53 pm

Could use a power fist or a variant with some PA or RA ?

I mostly stick to melee with this armour but your could try: Joshua Grahams Armour, Lucky Shades, 1st Recon Beret.
It doesn't directly affect unarmed but its a Crit Chance booster and that comes in as a life saver sometimes.

Thanks for the advice
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:17 pm

I also need advice. I want to do a unarmed character and I don't need a S.P.E.C.I.A.L set up I just really need tactics. Because I just think you will take a lot of damage trying to get close to the person
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:22 pm

I also need advice. I want to do a unarmed character and I don't need a S.P.E.C.I.A.L set up I just really need tactics. Because I just think you will take a lot of damage trying to get close to the person

The Sneak skill is his answer of course is not always that you will get. Besides, sometimes you have to use a weapon. Another tip try to get a good weapon for Unarmed as soon as possible. At first be well positioned behind your target and stay crouched and try to get as close as possible. Try to avoid places where very open their targets have ranged weapons. When you are detected, do not walk straight line. In my game work for me, but maybe sameone has better tips.
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liz barnes
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:23 pm

Do you have all the DLC? There are some nice Unarmed weapons included.

Critical hit build:
Fist of Rawr
Embrace of the Mantis King

Damage dealers:
Saturnite fist super heated
Greased Lightning.
Industrial hand?

My style with Unarmed is just to inflict as much damage as possible very fast so I would tend to steer towards the critical hit build. But that's just me.

But yeah you're going to take quite some damage getting close to enemies. I have Battle Brew, Slasher, and Med-X with me at all times.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:10 pm

I've started a new char who uses Unarmed and Melee again and is a stupid backwards tribal named Sid. Her build is:
S - 10
P - 5
E - 10
C - 1
I - 1
A - 7
L - 6
With tagged skills being, Unarmed, Melee and Survival.
Traits, Wild Wasteland and Claustrophobia.

I plan on not firing a weapon at all and can hopefully pass the whole game with out dying (D.i.D playthrough) :D
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:12 pm

I also need advice. I want to do a unarmed character and I don't need a S.P.E.C.I.A.L set up I just really need tactics. Because I just think you will take a lot of damage trying to get close to the person

Rad Child is great because it allows you to become a bullet sponge. You may need an intense training or two if you feel the loss of the stats is that great, but you're a damn bullet sponge at higher levels!

PS If you choose to go with Heavy Hitter or W/E it is called, my suggestion would be to forgo luck completely.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:39 pm

Rad Child is great because it allows you to become a bullet sponge. You may need an intense training or two if you feel the loss of the stats is that great, but you're a damn bullet sponge at higher levels!

PS If you choose to go with Heavy Hitter or W/E it is called, my suggestion would be to forgo luck completely.

I see Heavy Hitter being more for Melee users than unarmed users since Melee has a decent selection of weapons that are great damage wise but don't get a lot out of critical hits (Chainsaws and Thermic Lances for instance). It's big advantage is that if you don't have to build for criticals you can then afford to dump a lot of stats like Luck, Agility, and Perception. Luck for obvious reasons, Agility because you won't be reloading and why use V.A.T.S. if you don't get much out of the critical bonus, and Perception because you don't need Critical Perks. Currently playing a Heavy Hitter Melee/Explosive user that dumped AGI (to 3) and Luck to 1 so I could get great STR and END while maintaining decent scores in PER, CHA, and INT. I actually really like that I decided to start with 6 CHA because it allows me to use Rex to take hits and grab the attention of enemies while I run behind them and chainsaw thier heads. I only wish that I took a point off of END or PER to keep AGI at 4 so I could implant up to 5 AGI for Quick Draw (very handy for explosive users to be able to quickly whip out that rocket launcher when oppertunities present themselves).

If you're not playing with heavy hitter then the S.P.E.C.I.A.L game totally changes so you can build for crit, and if you're playing Unarmed you really want AGI so you can grab Slayer. Meaning you have to dump CHA and can't really use companions like a Heavy Hitter would unless you want to chem up with CHA drugs constantly (too annoying and resource intensive for me).

So here are your choices in general.

Melee w/ Heavy Hitter:
Allows you to spread your stats around more so you can grab CHA for stronger companions or INT for more skills. Don't bother with Sneak since your Sneak Attack Criticals are going to bite. You're pretty much going to be running directly at stuff so be sure to stack that DT and Health. Luckily, though, your stronger companions will be able to take some hits for you. Grab another melee companion, I like Rex for this, and being melee yourself you're right next to them allowing you to throw them some stims if they need em. Also Cass is great for Whiskey Rose allowing you to make yourself even tankier, and grabing some extra CHA and STR on top of it!

Melee without Heavy Hitter:
I'd say this is what you want to pick if you like sneaking, your companions are going to svck because you have to dump CHA so might as well leave them behind and sneak. Ninja is great perk for sneaking and if you can manage decent sneak attack criticals (because you didn't take Heavy Hitter) then you should definately take it. Plus melee gives you access to throwing weapons which are great for poison and poison in my experience works a lot better for a sneaker than somone who charges directly in.

Unarmed Without Heavy Hitter:
Less Suited for Sneaking since you lack poisons, throwing weapons, and Ninja though sneaking certainly helps. More suited for direct combat since you get all the juicy special moves, and things like Piercing Strike, and Slayer.

Unarmed w/ Heavy Hitter:
Wouldn't do it. You need AGI for Slayer and one of AGI's primary benefits is VATS. One of VATS primary benefits is the crit bonus. If you don't use VATS AGI is pretty much an entirely wasted stat except for weapon switching, since you never need to reload.
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