GECK not working at all...

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:29 pm

Don't know why, but none of the modifications I make appear in game...
Well, basically, what I want to do is change weapons stats... I am duplicating a 10mm Pistol, and putting it in doc Mitchell's house on the floor... But it doesn't appear there in-game. Player.additem does not work as well, saying the item ID does not exist. I tried changing the ID in FOMM, but it was no use.
I already checked archive invalidation, the plugin is being saved in the data folder, I double checked load order, tried reinstalling everything and still nothing happens.
I'm not using any mods, I just open fnv.esm in the GECK and do a simple edit in one of the weapons, save the plugin and test it...
When I open my plugin in GECK, everything seems fine, as I wanted them to be. It just doesn't work in-game.
I followed some basic tutorials, and still nothing happens. I goggled everywhere, tried every bit of info and couldn't get it to work.

Any help appreciated,
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:09 am

Is there some commonality between the Do you maybe have a localized version of the game that FNV isn't recognizing? If you've followed all the advice in the other thread, I don't know what else you can do.

Maybe you should uninstall and reinstall FNV and the Geck. Sometimes that fixes weird problems that other people can't solve. Do other mods work for you, or do all mods fail to work?

Make sure that the function is receiving the correct editor id. If you're trying to use additem in the console and you use the form id from the Geck it's not going to work because you need to know the load order of your mod and update the id accordingly. Easier to do it in a script.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:43 pm

Is there some commonality between the Do you maybe have a localized version of the game that FNV isn't recognizing? If you've followed all the advice in the other thread, I don't know what else you can do.

Maybe you should uninstall and reinstall FNV and the Geck. Sometimes that fixes weird problems that other people can't solve. Do other mods work for you, or do all mods fail to work?

Make sure that the function is receiving the correct editor id. If you're trying to use additem in the console and you use the form id from the Geck it's not going to work because you need to know the load order of your mod and update the id accordingly. Easier to do it in a script.

Hey, thanks for the answer.
Hmm, did not see that other post before...
Anyway, as I have said, I already tried reinstalling... And as I already said, I double checked load-order.
My version of the game is US version too...qw
I tried everything in the other post now, and still it does not work... Well, it seems to not work only for me... Gonna try on another PC... Seems I have bad luck over this...
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:45 am

If you want to send me a link to it on 4shared I'd be happy to test it for you.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:42 pm

Hmmm, it's seems to be the same problem as me... Don't you think so TheMagician ?

Jorge, check my topic, (, many solutions have been offered. But I think that their won't work for you too :confused:

Trying my mod (link is in my topic), should be a great test to see if we have the same problem :

If yours works for me or mine works for you, we'll know that's an other problem.
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kirsty joanne hines
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