As a concrete example I have K8-E a cowgirl eyebot. I'v rigged all 6 cowboy hats and all revolvers to her (except police pistol). So for example under the modellist tab I'll check lucky and K8-E will be holding her unique 357. I'v set up each item as two separate nifs. One being just the item rigged to the skeleton (no bot) and the other being the bot and the rigged item. I'd like to use the first nif so I don't have to make models of every combination (ie 6 hats multiplied by 7 revolvers is 42 models...PITA and svcks up the MB's)
Since she's a companion (or soon will be) I need to have some way for her to switch guns, hats etc in game. So if the player gives her a 44 mag she can use her 44mag model (that I already have in her eyebot sub directory) and remove her lucky model (simulating unequipping and equipping the item).
I also have multiple embedded weapon's, one for each revolver and I was wondering if anyone had a few lines of script or suggestions on how to synchronize the embedded weapons when their appropriate models are equipped. As well as ideas in re: to making the embeded weapon use up ammo (which they don't appear to be doing) and having increased damage for the various ammo types (SWC etc). So in the example above when a 44mag and 40 rounds of SWC is put in K8-E's inventory she can equip her 44mag model fire it with x 1.2dam, - 6dt for 40 shots, just like a human npc.
Essentially my issue is I'd like to be able to change nif's while retaining the same refid.