Hey, its a long blasting and booming list. (pun from the last poll)
Heavy weapons:
K9000 cyberdog gun- custom ammo can be made, scoped (which is odd), small spread for an automatic, and high crit chance. Expensive to keep fed.
FIDO - Nutty DPS and good damage, custom ammo can be made, scoped, small spread for and automatic and a hight crit chance. Even more expensive to feed.
Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon - No spread, Great damage, Good DPS, Good DOT and easy on ammo. Expensive as heck to repair, and will break down quick.
Arc welder - Light for a heavy weapon, cheap to repair and high crit chance. Poor damage, and spread.
Shoulder mounted machine gun - Highest damage per bullet of any 10mm weapon, great rate of fire and decently low spread. Hard to repair.
Red Glare - Good damage and when fully modded, insane rate of fire, insane projectile speed and the best scope in the game. Very hard to repair, poor spread and no crit chance.
Sprtel-Wood 9700 - Powerful, great use of ammo and smaller spread. Breaks down fast and a poor crit chance.
The Smitty Special - Grand DPS. Less damage per shot, ineffecient use of ammo.
Cleansing Flame - Superior all around to the flamer, DOT that scales to players skill, doubled range. No weaknesses.
Fat Man (GRA) - Can use all mininukes - Same stats and mods as standard.
Esther - More powerful than standard, fires all forms of mininukes, provides increased DT and radiation resistance. Really heavy.
Bear trap fist - High limb and Crit damage, decent power, . Slightly poor item health, slow attack speed.
She's Embrace - High Crit chance, decent power, Great item health. Heavy, and slow on the attack.
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist - Powerful, good DOT, fast attack. Average item health.
Saturnite fist - Decent power, grand attack speed, fairly tough. No weaknesses.
Saturnite fist super-heated - Very powerful (especially with pyromaniac), fast attack speed, tough. No real weaknesses.
Industrial hand - Amazing damage per second, Ignores DT/DR, acts like a ripper, insane durability and easy to repair. Impossible to use power strikes.
Fist of Rawr/Fist of the North Rawr - Great power and reach, decent durability, great crit chance and crit damage. Heavy.
Power fist(GRA) - Can be modded for double condition, increased damage per hit and increased attack speed. Same stats as standard.
Greased Lightning - Insane attack speed and dps. Reduced damage.
Embrace of the Mantis King! - Great Damage and reach. Frail and lower attack speed than standard
Two-Step Goodbye - High damage, high crit chance and potent crit kill effect. High colateral damage and difficult to repair.
Broad machete - Available at the beginning, good damage, good dps and crit chance. No weakness.
Cosmic knive series - Easy to use, High limb damage, can be made into other powerful weapons, sturdy for knives. Rather weak.
War club - Blinding fast attack speed, good health, cheap to repair. Poor DAM.
Protonic inversal axe - Fast, good DAM, good item HP. Expensive to repair.
X-2 antenna - Powerful DAM. Fragile, Slow attack speed, expensive to repair.
Blade of the West - Powerful, good crit chance and a Crit knockdown effect. Not very durable.
Blood-Nap - Decent damage, nutty attack speed, cood crit chance and damage and provides a Sneak bonus. Easily damaged.
Old Glory - Fairly Powerful, good crit chance and crit damage and durable. Mildly heavy.
Baseball bat(GRA) - Can be modded for increaded damage, attack speed and condition. Same stats as standard.
Ripper(GRA) - Can be modded for increased Damage and condition. Same stats as standard.
Chainsaw(GRA) - Can be modded for decreased weight, increased damage and condition. Same stats as standard.
Katana - Blinding fast attack speed, good crit chance and can be modded for improved damage, attack speed and condition. Hard to repair.
Nuka Breaker - Superior to the rebar club in almost every way and a critical elec damage effect. Slightly less condition than rebar clubs.
Gehenna - More powerful than standard, great DOT and good on AP. Noticably more fragile.
Other weapons:
Demolition Charges - High availability once the holotape is found. Expensive and weak.
Fire Bomb - Long DOT effect and no risk of harm for planting on enemies. Weak damage and poor blast range.
Tomahawk - Decent Damage, cheap and Silent. hard to acquire.
Proton throwing axe - Quite powerful, more so against robots and power armored opponents. Limited.
Protonic inversal throwing axe - Insanely powerful, more so to robots and power armoed opponents. Very limited.
Flash bang - Scares tunnelers, knocks out enemies. Weak, and hard to acquire.
Satchel charge - Easy to make, very strong and a short fuse. No weakness for a land mine.
MFC grenade - Cheap, wide blast radius and easy to make. Low damage and requires Mad Bomber perk.
MFC Cluster - Covers a wide area, easy to acquire materials and great combined damage. Requires Mad Bomber perk.
Tin Grenade - Cheap materials, easy to make. Slightly low damage and requires the Mad Bomber perk.
Time bomb, high yield - Very powerful. Time delay and requires the Mad Bomber perk.
Nuka-grenade - The ultimate hand grenade, Very powerful, great blast range and DOT. Hard to make and require the Mad Bomber perk.
Fat mine - The ultimate land mine, Rediculously powerful. Very Hard to make and requires the Mad Bomber Perk.
Have fun.