I like to save the best for last when it comes to DLC. Lonesome Road I would like to do early because it seems like a “does what it needs to do” DLC, but apparently its basically a Level 30+ type of venture? Dead Money seems like it has a really cool story, but apparently you should be level 20ish, and it’s the hardest DLC. Once again, it seems like one I personally would want to get out of the way, but can’t because of the difficulty?
The other two seem like the ones I would do last. Everyone seems to like Old World Blues, its funny, and apparently “the Sink” (whatever it is, I guess I’ll find out) is super cool. People say Honest Hearts has a really short main quest line, but that the characters, history and exploration in it are really nice, so I feel like its another good one.
Anyway, as you can see, I am looking for advice as to when I should start doing the DLCs, and in which order, based off of a “save the best for last” basis but with obvious difficulty issues being considered.
But meanwhile, I thought since I was so indecisive and uneducated about the DLCs, I would just enjoy GRA. But I am a little confused. How am I supposed to get the weapons??!?!!? I like the fact that they aren’t all just given to you, hidden in different locations, or all in one place, but the fact that I have to buy them makes it seem like I’m screwed. I’m a level 8 guy with NO emphasis on Barter (I think its at 8 right now). Even if I had better barter, all the guns are in full condition, so they cost 3000-15000 from what I’ve seen thus far, and that’s hefty for anyone, let alone a level 8 character. Is there something I’m not seeing here, or was it just made with higher level characters in mind? If it is, I guess that I would really appreciate some suggestions regarding ways to make a lot of caps, since I don’t want to have to blast Cliff Briscoe and co. just to get a cool weapon before level 25.
tl;dr: I’m at level 8, what order should I do the DLC in, and when should I be able to start doing them? Weapons from GRA are super expensive, how can I get them at level 8?