Questions before I can get started on DLC

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:56 pm

OK, so here’s the deal. Just bought the 4 main DLC add-ons and Gun Runner’s Arsenal. On my current character, I’m a level 8 with a Guns/Repair/Sneak build for a “killer cowboy bandit with a fast hand” thing going on. I did multiple playthroughs on FO3, and have this one and another one 1/3 through on FNV, so I’m not new or anything. A few questions regarding the add-ons:

I like to save the best for last when it comes to DLC. Lonesome Road I would like to do early because it seems like a “does what it needs to do” DLC, but apparently its basically a Level 30+ type of venture? Dead Money seems like it has a really cool story, but apparently you should be level 20ish, and it’s the hardest DLC. Once again, it seems like one I personally would want to get out of the way, but can’t because of the difficulty?

The other two seem like the ones I would do last. Everyone seems to like Old World Blues, its funny, and apparently “the Sink” (whatever it is, I guess I’ll find out) is super cool. People say Honest Hearts has a really short main quest line, but that the characters, history and exploration in it are really nice, so I feel like its another good one.

Anyway, as you can see, I am looking for advice as to when I should start doing the DLCs, and in which order, based off of a “save the best for last” basis but with obvious difficulty issues being considered.

But meanwhile, I thought since I was so indecisive and uneducated about the DLCs, I would just enjoy GRA. But I am a little confused. How am I supposed to get the weapons??!?!!? I like the fact that they aren’t all just given to you, hidden in different locations, or all in one place, but the fact that I have to buy them makes it seem like I’m screwed. I’m a level 8 guy with NO emphasis on Barter (I think its at 8 right now). Even if I had better barter, all the guns are in full condition, so they cost 3000-15000 from what I’ve seen thus far, and that’s hefty for anyone, let alone a level 8 character. Is there something I’m not seeing here, or was it just made with higher level characters in mind? If it is, I guess that I would really appreciate some suggestions regarding ways to make a lot of caps, since I don’t want to have to blast Cliff Briscoe and co. just to get a cool weapon before level 25.

tl;dr: I’m at level 8, what order should I do the DLC in, and when should I be able to start doing them? Weapons from GRA are super expensive, how can I get them at level 8?
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:19 pm

OK, after cruising the forums, I seem to have found a bit more out. Dead Money seems more tedious than ridiculously hard, and a lot of people seem to like it. So I don't know. Still seems like a hard one that might just be fun to tackle first because of the difficulty, but should I really wait till higher levels? Lonesome Road seems better than I had seen it made out to be as well. But still, what level should I be at?????

Overall though, OWB and HH still seem like they would be my favorites, but it looks like I was only getting one (negative) side of the story about DM and LR from the sources I was using. All the add-ons are looking better now, but still, what level should I be at?

I'm thinking that GRA is what it seems to be, so I have to pay for all the guns. So at this point, I am just straight up looking for ways to make caps, whether its through side quests, looting a type of high profit item in miscellaneous locations, or certain locations that have a lot of good stuff.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:12 pm

I'd wait on Dead Money - I agree with the 'tedious' bit, and add in 'frustrating' - it's beatable, but save often because you will die. A lot. But the ending reveals some nice tidbits for the later DLCs, so it's not a bad idea to do this one early on.

Honest Hearts is pretty easy - the main quest is short, but there are side quests that can keep you occupied for a while.

OWB is my favorite - but lots to kill. Don't go unless you're packing serious firepower and ammo - all you can carry.

Lonesome Road is very good, a nice ending to the storyline of the original Courier 6. But it's tough and very linear, and also one you want to bring the heaviest firepower you can.

All in all, my choices would be: Start with HH, go to DM, then OWB and LR to finish because I like how the story ends.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Have fun playing!

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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:05 pm

Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Dead Money, Lonesome Road

Start HH right now, at level 8, and you should be good for going straight through the DLC in the above order.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:03 am

OK, so basically the same route seems to be suggested: Honest Hearts first, Lonesome Road last, and then 2,3 being Old World Blues and Dead Money.

And jerriecan: Old World Blues requires some firepower? Hadn't heard this before (I had heard bring lots of stimpacks). I know its technology based, so should I try to raise my Energy Weapons skill and go get some energy weapons before I go? Or I just need to bring a lot of weapons?
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:29 pm

When you do get OWB, make sure you have a buttload of health packs...they are few and far between...Im talking like over 200 of em....Lonesome road is pretty cool, but Ive yet to finish it...Been jacking around with Fallout 3 and Rage, Battlefield 3 and of course Mod Warfare 3..but heed my advice when I say bring alot of health...Im sure most ppl will agree with me on this one.
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